-Chapter Eleven-

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Peter Parker.

Peter sat uncomfortably as the Avengers around him scrambled around, he could feel their stress levels radiating off of them, and honestly Peter was tired. He didn't understand why they were all so keen on finding Percy. It was more than likely their egos couldn't take the fact that they had all been bested not once but twice. Peter on the other hand, he knew Percy was a good guy. He wouldn't hurt anyone, while he had never given Peter not to trust him. He even understood why Percy ran off, he was probably scared and over whelmed. 

Just as Peter was about to sneak away, and go to bed Tony turned to him with his coffee-energy-eyes. Peter hated when Tony was like this, he was incredibly annoying, and even more cocky. Peter froze under his gaze.

"Peter! Do you happen to know where Percy lives? or even better where that blasted camp he goes to is?" It was at this point, Peter was positive Tony was driving himself insane. Peter looked at the others begging for help, when Steve came to the rescue.

"Tony, give the kid a break. We all need one, we've been working our asses off trying to find this kid, and we will. But we need a break, even for a few hours. We were out all day." Steve's words were well said, Peter nodded enthusiastically when Tony glanced from Steve to Peter. He took a quick sweep of the rest of team, then he huffed. He drained the last gulp of his coffee, before disappeared up the stairs. Thankfully he went to bed, it was actually really early for sleep, but after their missions the team usually settled in early. 

"Thanks, Steve, I really owe you." Peter thanked Steve, with a thankful smile on his face. Steve smiled understandingly, even he looked tired. Steve glanced behind where Sam was sitting on the couch his head tipped back, he was out cold. The funny part happened to be Bucky, who was leaning on Sam's shoulder, also out cold. Natasha was sitting on the other end of the couch, her head gently laid against Clint's thigh, who was sitting on the arm of the couch, leaned against the wall.  Steve smiled, before him(and Peter) pulled out their phones and took a sneaky selfie of the four of them. Natasha's eyes popped open, and Steve and Peter both froze in fear. She sat up, yawned and said softly ' I don't care, just don't tell a soul.' with that she shook Clint awake, and marched up the stairs into her room. Steve and Peter shared a surprised look, and the two snickered a bit. That's when Sam woke up, bleary eyed, and neck stiff. When he saw Bucky laying, drooling, on his shoulder he scowled and pouted. To which Steve and Peter roared with laughter. They practically fell over, when Bucky woke up and violently shoved himself away from Sam. The two had the exact same frown/scowl plastered to their faces as they glared down Steve, and Peter.

 "Shut up, captain spangles. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Sam stood up, and walked out stiffly. While Bucky frowned liked a kicked puppy at Steve, who was finally starting to calm down. Peter was just about to say something when their was a noise at the downstairs door. They all shared a look, when FRIDAY announced, "Sir, there is a mister Jackson here, and he is accompanied by a boy, and girl." Steve looked to Peter in surprise, while Bucky stood up slowly. Steve picked up his shield, while Peter slid his web-shooters over his wrist and followed after Steve. 

When they reached the entrance, their he stood Percy Jackson, with his emo?/goth?/punk? cousin Nico and his girlfriend Annabeth Chase. They didn't appear threating. When Annabeth's eyes landed on us, she elbowed Percy, who looked up at them coolly. He scanned them carefully, and calmly. 

"Hello, again. I believe we got off on the wrong foot, I'm Percy Jackson, son of the sea god Poseidon, nice to meet you." Percy shoved his hands in his pockets, as if this was an everyday conversation. When he was met only with blank stares, he glanced back at Annabeth and Nico who nodded. Peter noticed Steve, and Bucky stiffen in the corner of his vision. Percy apparently noticed this as well, because he raised his hands in the air. " I'm not here to fight. I just want to clear this mess up, and go home. I have to babysit next week, and I cant afford to be hunted by the Avengers while I'm watching my sister. So why don't we have a nice chat, and we will clear some stuff up?" Percy offered, while Steve and Bucky both seemed hesitant, Peter could hear the sincerity in Percy's voice. So instead of letting Steve speak Peter spoke up.

"Sure, yeah, okay. This isn't a trick right?" Peter knew he would be able to tell, he's heard Percy lie, he knew the differences between his voice.

Percy turned and looked directly into the eyeholes of Peters mask, this made Peter twitch, it was almost as if Percy was able to see through the mask, but that was impossible. Right? 

"I swear, I just want to talk, and clear this up. I'm not here to fight you guys, that was never my intention." Percy looked at Peter the entire time he said this, and Peter knew he was telling the truth. 

"Alright then. I believe you."

A short update, but I'm excited to get to the good parts! Here ya go, and see ya in the next chapter ( which should be soon!)


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