-Chapter Nineteen-

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Percy Jackson

He was currently sat watching their suspects as Peter finished whispering the fighting technics he knew to be prevalent. 

With a sigh, Percy began cursing everything, he hated how he always got dragged into this kind of stuff. He just wanted a break, to go to school, to get married to Annie one day, to just be free of all the fighting and monsters. 

"Okay, Peter, I think that'll be good...now, onto a bigger question;  do we tell the others?" Annabeth asked quietly, her eyes watching the room around them, or more the people in the room with them.

Peter looked nervous again, Percy looked up to see Rhodey leaving the room, but he doubted that the eidolons would get far from them.

With a quick glance, "I think we kinda have to at this point, I mean we've called for re-enforcements. They need to know what we're up against, especially since these are their friends and partners," Percy said slowly. 

Peter and Annabeth nodded, as they watched Rhodey enter the room again, his eyes flashed gold as he looked towards the demi-gods. They pretended not to see anything by busying themselves with a piece of equipment that they 'knocked off'. 

"How do we do this?" Peter asked as he began rubbing at his palm. Percy looked to Annabeth since she was far better at this type of stuff. Only to find her looking at him with a raised eyebrow.


"You're our distraction, Seaweed Brain." She smiled with an almost sinister expression.

Percy found himself hating the plan, and not believing it would work. He was supposed to casually leave and only just draw attention to himself, but being a half-blood with a long list of enemies didn't really help. 

Now, he was running down the halls of the Avengers place with all three eidolons on his tail. He skidded around another corner, as he tried to work out a plan to get away from them. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He muttered as he heard them getting closer. He was cursing the spirt-monsters to Tartarus as he threw open the door to the stairs. He had somehow managed to evade them for nearly three floors. He placed a block on the door as he ran up the stairs, he wouldn't have long before they broke the doors open. Especially with the super-soldier body one of them happened to snag. 

"Damnit. Damnit. This is sucks, I'm gonna die. I hate this." Percy inhaled rapidly as he made it up the next landing, only to hear the door flying off the hinges below him.

"Shit! Nico if you don't hurry your skinny-pale-ass up, I'll-!" Percy didn't get to finish his fake-threats as he caught a glimpse of Sam and Rhodey flying at him. He ducked under the repulser-shots and shot into the first door he saw. 

He pushed himself to run faster as he ducked and ran down the long hallway, barely dodging the shots at him. Percy pulled Riptide out and began using it to deflect some of the repulser-shots back at the two. He laughed victoriously as he knocked Sam out of the air, but he whined as Steve was now running at him. 

He dodged another shot by ducking around a corner, and he threw himself into the first room he could. He shut the door and began looking for a place to hide. He didn't have long, and he had begun praying to his dad and every other god he could think of to let him get out of this one. 

Percy scrambled up onto the bed and ripped off the vent door and pulled himself into it as fast as he could. He had only just got the front back on when the door flew off and smashed into the wall behind it. 

He clamped his hand over his mouth as he tried everything to quiet and slow his breathing. He couldn't be found, it would mess up everything. He had to stay hidden till Nico and Will returned with Piper and whoever else or till Annabeth and Peter had all the Avengers warned.

"Where are you?" Percy heard eidolon-Sam mutter as they began searching the room, he watched as eidolon-Steve threw the wardrobe into the wall where Percy's vent was, which caused Percy to nearly flinch. Shards of wood flew around the room before Sam and Rhodey began helping and the three together began tearing the room apart. 

After they were sure Percy wasn't hiding in the room, they slowly left while growling. Percy waited a while before he slowly let out a breath of relief. He didn't know how he managed it but he escaped. Slowly and cautiously, Percy crept out of the vent and into the destroyed room, his eyes flickered about the damaged walls, broken furniture and shattered mirrors. 

Percy peeked out into the hall to see another door open, and broken-scraps flying from it. He figured the eidolons were there and began to go the opposite direction. He had to get back up the stairs and let the other know what happened before the eidolons gave up and returned upstairs. 

As Percy, crept around the corner he was frozen by the sight of two broad chests and golden eyes. He was tricked, they knew he would come out.

He glanced up to see a fist coming at him and everything went black. 

Peter Parker

Peter was worried about Percy, but Annabeth kept reassuring him that Percy could handle himself, still, she seemed to be reassuring herself more than him.

"Wait, I'm confused. These things possess people?" Clint asked for the eighth time, Annabeth dropped her head in frustration.

Peter groaned, "Clint! That doesn't matter, you just need to know these things have taken over Steve, Sam, and Rhodey. Now, Annabeth and Percy have a friend who can get rid of them, but we have to keep them busy till Nico and Will get back with our help."

They looked nervous and confused, but sudden loud bangs and noise came from under them. Annabeth and Peter looked to each other and said in unison, "Percy!" 

"What about Percy?" new voices said behind them, Peter turned to see a dark-skinned girl with a feather in her hair and hand on her hip. Beside her was a tall blonde boy with glasses, a short latino boy with grease on him, a taller Asian boy, and finally a short African American girl. 

"You ordered recruits?" Nico smirked as he and Will stepped out from behind the new people.

-Hello good people! I have finally updated after nearly six months. I am so sorry. Had other writing responsibilities to tend to first. But here I am back with a new chapter, and only have about two more to go! it'll be sad to see finish this story, but I am excited for everyone to see the finished product!-

-Anywho, see ya next chapter and hope you enjoyed this!-


An Unfortunate Crossing (Avengers/Percy Jackson Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon