Chapter 5

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   I have been exhausted from work these past few months, and finally, it's summer! I decided to take a two week vacation to Barcelona, Spain. It's such a beautiful place! Anyways, I should be packing right now since my flight is on Saturday, and today is Thurday.

   "Kaya! Are you done packing?" My best friend, Julia, asked.

   "Um, yeah, sure." I said. Julia gave me that look which said, 'I know you're lying.'

   "Ok, I didn't start packing at all." I admitted pathetically.

   "Kaya, what did I tell you? You have to stop procrastinating." She said.

   "But Julia, you know how lazy I am." I whined.

   "Ugh, fine. I'll help you pack then." I jumped up and hugged her.

   "You are the best Julia! I love you so much!" I said.

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get this over with." She replied. I nodded, and we then spent 3 hours packing everything I needed for vacation.

   "Julia, are you sure you don't want to come with me to Barcelona?" I asked.

   "Yes, Kaya, I am sure. Remember me and Brad have plans this summer?" I nodded, remembering that she told me earlier this week.

   "Anyways, you wanna hang out tomorrow before you leave for Barcelona?" She suggested.

   "Yeah, sure. I have nothing to do anyways." I said.

   "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Kaya!" She exclaimed. "Bye Julia!" I waved back at her. I then closed the door and decided to go to sleep.

   The next morning...

   I woke up and did my usual morning routine, but I couldn't help but feel excited about tomorrow. Anyways, as I was done getting ready, I texted Julia.

Me: Julia, you ready for today?

Julia: Yeah, I'll pick you up in 5 mins

Me: K, see ya 😘

I put down my phone and waited for Julia, 5 minutes later the doorbell rang. *Ding dong* I stood up and opened the door, "Hey!" I said. She greeted me back with a wave. I closed my door and followed Julia to her car.

   6 hours later... (sorry, the author was too lazy...forgive me~)

   Julia and I had a great day, we went shopping first, went out to eat, then went to a salon. I'm gonna miss her, even though I'm only leaving for 2 weeks. I'm so tired, I should sleep now so I can wake up early tomorrow for my flight.

   The next morning...

   Oh my gosh...I can't believe it, I missed my flight! It's 11 am right now, but my flight was at 9 am. Ugh, I hate life right now. It's ok, I'll just book another flight tomorrow. I went out to the living room and watched tv, since I had nothing to do today. As I was flipping throught the channels, the news about a plane crash caught my eye.

   Breaking news: Plane Crash

   Reporter: Today, the plane that took off at 9 am and that was headed to Barcelona, Spain, had crashed due to malfunctions. There are no sightings of survivors so far, but I give my condolences to the families that had relatives or friends in the plane. That's all the news we have for you today, have a great day/night everybody.

Author's Note:

   Hey my Qties!!!  I'm so sorry for the late update, I blame school for it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Annyeong~ Qties!!! ✌😄

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