Chapter 6

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   I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding everywhere! I don't know what to do, I'm lying in bed, with blood around me. I want to call my friends or family for help, but I don't want to spread the blood onto the floor.

   My family went to the movies, I didn't want to go because I had plans with my friends, and my friends are probably somewhere around the city having fun, while I'm here, suffering. I want to move and walk to where my phone is, but once I move, blood comes seeping out of my body.

   I need to think of a way to call for help. Maybe if I rolled off the bed and crawled on the floor, I can reach for my phone! Ok, you can do this Alexis. One, Two, Three! *thud* "OW! Fricking hell!" I screamed.

   I rubbed my back, trying to ease the pain that I had created. Once the pain was gone, I crawled to where my phone was located.

   Come on. Come on. You can do it! You're almost there Alexis!

   "YES!" I celebrated loudly, I did it. I put my password in and went straight into the phone call app. I typed in my mom's phone number and waited for her to answer.



   "What?!" she screeched, "don't move, just wait for me there."

   "Ok, bye mom. Love you!" I said and hung up. I placed my phone down and waited for mom, as I waited, I started thinking about why I was bleeding. A few minutes later I heard the door open and footsteps running in my direction.

   "Alexis! What happened?!" She exclaimed, while examining me.

   "I don't know! I just started bleeding out of nowhere!" I yelled.

   My mom looked at me for a few minutes until she let out a gasp, "Alexis, you're on your period!" She then ran out of the house screaming, "I'LL BE BACK WITH SOME PADS!"


Plot TwistOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora