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I like Simon.

Harry likes me.

Simon likes another girl.


This is the most cliche climax of any story.

She likes him.

But another guy likes her.

And the guy she likes likes someone else.

Why would he like me anyway?

I am anti-social and an emotional eater.

I don't necessarily like people.

Other than him and his friends.




And most importantly Josh.

Josh is like the best non-blood brother.

Sits with me in the late hours of the night when I have a panic attack.

Bought me ice cream when I got my wisdom teeth pulled.

Let me stay with him and the others when I got evicted from my apartment.

When I think of Josh, I think of 'Stay with me' by Sam Smith.

He is always by my side when I need him.

"Simon, how is it with Emma?" I heard Josh ask Simon from the kitchen.

I know Josh isn't really curious about Emma and Simon's relationship.

He knows that I like Simon so he is getting dirt on them together.

"We are on a break right now, actually." Simon sighed.

I felt bad.

Emma isn't a mean girl.

She is like an angel and incredibly nice and kind.

I wonder what happened.

"What happened?" Josh asked.

I could sense in his breathing that Simon needed to talk to someone about it.

"She thinks that I have feelings for someone other than her. And she was really sweet about it, and told me to go after her." Simon was hesitate about what he said.

Being careful not to say too much.

"Do you like someone else?" -Josh

"Yeah. yeah I do. Is she here still?" Simon asked.

Who is 'she'?

And why would she be here?

I went back up to the spare room and picked up my phone to find many messages from Harry.

All of them confessing how much he loves me.

I felt bad for not feeling the same way.

I would never reciprocate his feelings.

The knock at my door caught me by surprise.

I assumed it was Josh coming to tell me how his detective work turned out.

It was Simon.

"Oh, hi." I say putting my phone down.

He just walked over to me and cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips onto mine.

As cliche as this sounds.

Electricity erupted through my body.

And I loved every second of it.

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