Chapter 12

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Hunter King's POV 

When I returned to Calla's new place she was laying on the couch, asleep. I had been gone for less than an hour, yet there she laid, sleeping peacefully.

She was curled up on the very end of the couch like a cat, her head resting on the armrest. Her full lips were parted slightly and she breathed gently from her mouth.

I didn't want to wake her directly, but I had a few things to go over with her. I would have loved to let her sleep. I didn't want to do anything else to upset her super badly today. So instead of doing something stupid like try and shake her awake, I resolved to make ad much noise as possible while I moved around the house in order to accomplish my task.

She woke up slowly, stretching out with her arms above her head and letting out a tired groan, thinking she was still alone. Until she saw me, causing her to snap up instantly and her cheeks to bloom with red. "S-sorry," she said.

"For what?" I asked her, raising a brow.

She looked unsure, "Um... I-I don't know. I didn't mean to fall asleep," she answered quietly, sleep still in her voice.


"Yes..." she trailed off, confused by me, she rubbed her eyes a bit.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" I asked her with a slight smirk. 

I wanted to hear her answer, but she didn't give me one. She was looking around nervously, thinking that I was mad at her. I sighed, "I'm kidding, Calla."

Her face showed relief, "Oh," she smiled slightly. 

I was glad she hadn't taken it negatively, after all, she had nothing to apologize for in the first place. I hoped that one day she could see I wasn't completely bad. I knew I was a serious man, and I acted harshly when working. That was all I let most people see, but as Lauren had said, Calla was genuine. She didn't pretend to be something she wasn't. Although I could tell she tried sometimes, she always seemed to fail, and it wasn't a bad thing. At least not in my eyes.

I needed to learn to trust her and become more comfortable around her, and she for me. She was my personal assistant, she was going to be aware of the things happening around me. She needed to know what I liked and didn't like so she could do her job effectively.

I walked further into the apartment, closer to Calla. She fully sat up and tried to reorganize herself, crossing her legs politely over one another.

She looked ridiculous. She was wearing my oversized clothes and her hair was an absolute disaster. Makeup was smudged over her face, yet she still attempted to present herself well. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

She looked worried, shrinking into herself at hearing the sound escaping me. She thought I was making fun of her, it made me halt my chuckling immediately. She was so innocent and unaware, and she seemed to have extremely low confidence.

It made me feel bad to think about how worried she always seemed to be, it must've been difficult to be around someone like me.

I cleared my throat, "We have a few things to discuss," I told her.

She nodded, looking at me for once. She usually only made eye contact when I was giving her instructions, just like now.

I went and sat beside her on the couch, angling myself toward her, "First, you aren't coming to work until I say so," I said sternly.

She opened her mouth to interject but I continued before she could, "Second, I am planning to keep an eye on your father. Unfortunately, I did not give you the greatest circumstances, but now that I know about him, I plan to do what I can to keep you safe," I looked at her pointedly, "This means you need to have your phone with you at all times so that I can contact you, and you can contact others if you ever need help, which I do not plan on being a problem. Do you understand?" I said, hoping she would not try to argue with me.

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