Chapter 15

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Hunter King's POV

Sometimes it was hard to talk to Calla without completely hating myself. Everything I said seemed to make her nervous or apologize profusely, even when I was only speaking as I would to a normal person. It made me wonder how I had been so rude to her before. It wasn't even that long ago, but now I questioned how my past self didn't realize how awful it was to see her nervousness in every action. She was like a little rabbit, and I seemed like some vicious wolf, probably with rabies.

Seeing her so on edge around me made me feel like I was the worst person in the world. I found myself trying my very best lately not to scare her, but it didn't feel like I was being all that successful.

As of now, it was nearly lunchtime. Calla seemed to get right back into the swing of things; however, I had just adjusted to not having her here, and now I was left feeling like I had nothing to do. Of course, as soon as that feeling came, so did Calla's voice paging me. "Mr. King, there is someone here to see you," she said gently.

"Who?" I asked.

Calla was supposed to tell me the name of the person so I knew what to expect. The line stayed quiet so I paged her back, "Calla, I asked who," I said somewhat frustrated.

It was not that hard to answer a simple question, I knew I could expect at least that much from her. Especially since she was paid to do it. Within seconds her unsure voice came through again, "U-Um, he won't give me his name, he said he's a friend," she said quietly.

With the lack of information I was receiving, it was better just to go out there. I'd have to talk to Calla later about the protocol for people like this. With a scowl on my face, I made my way out of my office, prepared to meet with some idiot who had somehow convinced someone he had a meeting with me.

I threw open the door to see a man leaning over Calla's desk to talk to her. She was blushing furiously and avoiding eye contact while he was smirking. Upon hearing my entrance, both of them looked over. Calla's unsure eyes met mine, a rare occasion, before glancing back at the man who had now turned to face me.

"Hunter! How's it going man?" he greeted warmly, coming in for a hug.

This was so like him.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, giving my back a few slaps. I lightly patted his back as well, no longer worried about there being some random person at my office.

"Marcus, glad to see you," I welcomed him.

I turned to a confused Calla, "Calla, this is Marcus. He's an old friend of mine from university," I introduced.

She gave a nervous smile in his direction without meeting his eyes, "N-Nice to meet you, Marcus," she stuttered shyly.

He grinned, "You too, Calla. Sorry if I got you in trouble for showing up so unannounced, everyone else knows me already."

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," Calla apologized.

Marcus frowned in confusion, "What for?" he asked bluntly.

My assistant looked unsure of what to say next, and her eyes flitted to me for help. I raised my eyebrows at her, we had talked about this on the way to the office, but it didn't help that Marcus rarely held back his thoughts. 

"Anyway Marcus, what did you need?" I asked, gesturing to my office to invite him in, while also distracting him from Calla.

Her face flashed with relief before I turned around to welcome Marcus. He walked in casually and I shut the door, leaving Calla on her own again. Marcus made himself comfortable on the couch in my office. He picked up some random decoration from the coffee table and started to fiddle around with it, his brown eyes focused on it despite its insignificance.

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