Chapter 29: Fall

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Chapter 29: Fall

How? Why? When?

I pulled my hair in frustration. I've been thinking what the prince has said. He likes me?

How? I mean look at this body. Why? I'm not even a lady.

I heard some knock on the door.

Oh shit! It must be him. What do I do? What do I do? I was frantically looking for a place to hide until I decided to dive on my bed.

I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. And then I heard some footsteps. It's definitely him.

"Hey!" His voice was calmer now. I can feel my breathing accelerating. I still pretended to sleep.

"I know you're still awake." I didn't react. I'm sleeping. I'm totally sleeping.

"Okay. You're definitely not talking." He sighed "Let's just pretend I never said anything." That what he exclaimed before going out of the room.

I was left staring blankly at the window I was facing. I can't really forget what he said since his confession has been playing on my mind repeatedly.

Am I seriously thinking about my reply? Would I say yes or no? Gah! I don't know. I rolled repeatedly on the bed and hit my head with a pillow but I can't seriously find the mood to sleep.


"Come with me." Greg ordered once he entered into my room. I awkwardly nodded and fixed myself before following him.

So he's really pretending nothing happened yesterday. I can't seem to understand what's on his mind right now since all I can see is his back.

He opened this one unfamiliar door and then my mouth fell when I saw the sight inside. It looks like it was taken directly from my dream.

The collection of books from this library is simply marvelous! Starting from the architectural designs and the wide range of readings and artifacts, this must be the world's most astounding library.

And how come I didn't try to sneak in here before?

Goodness gracious! Is that the legendary scroll of Urma? The scroll that everyone believes holds the secret to eternal life but nobody was able to successfully interpret the language that was used.

"Please don't touch anything." He reprimanded me once he noticed that I was trying to touch the alleged scroll of urma.

"Sorry." I apologized sheepishly. It was just a second after I touched the scroll and I am now tempted to hold the fabled sword of Nathaniel the great who conquered the west end.

"Ahem!" Greg faked coughed as he tapped his feet on the marble floor. His arms was crossed and that means he's really serious.

I frowned. Everything in this room looks tempting to touch which means even the prince and myself are also irresistible to touch. Yikes! That came out wrong.

I just curled my fingers up in order to prevent myself from holding more artifacts.

We finally entered in a room that was marked Private. It contains a lot of folders, books and scrolls that I think must be precious enough to be kept in a safe room.

"Look for a document that is marked WH-MC-CD." He commanded me as he started to look into a box.

"What's that? The vocal trininty? Haha." I stopped laughing when he looked at me seriously.

"Fine. How do you arrange the files? Alphabetical? Numerical? Order of importance? By date?" I opened one the box and started looking.

"I didn't know. The bookkeeper died a couple of years ago. Why don't you ask him?" He replied dryly.

I just rolled my eyes at his reply. If he really likes me then he should treat me and speak to me like a princess. How can I possibly like him if he's this tacky.

We've been looking in all the boxes but we still can't find that damn file. It was then that a single box was left unopened. I already had my hand on top of it when Greg clasped his hand on top of mine.

We immediately looked at each other but no one seems to have the guts to remove one's hand. Is this a game? He who removes his hand first is a loser?

Ah! I can't take it anymore! I quickly removed my hand because his touch seems to burn plus this is really awkward.

I cleared my throat and asked him. "So, is the file there?"

He showed a document marked confidential as a reply.

We went out of the room and I can't seem to help but to look at all their collections of books. Some of them are really hard to find and original copies of classic literatures. My hands are itching to grab one of those babies.

"Wait!" I grabbed his arm and he turned back.

"What?" He asked seemingly annoyed.

"Can I at least borrow one book?"

"No." He replied sternly.

"Please. Please. Please." I pleaded while I grabbed his collar to show my irresistible eyes. Yes. I know I have those. Don't argue with me.

"What are you doing?" He inquired onced he noticed that I was making my face close to him with a facial expression he never saw before.

"Lend me one of your books." I beamed.

"On one condition."


"Say you love me first." He bargained.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on. Say it." He insisted.

"I...I love you." I said it. A smile formed in his lips. "In a non romantic way of course but because you're giving me the permission to borrow a book." His smile immediately dissipated.

"Can I please take a book now?"

"No." He said firmly.

"No? Pleeeease?" I pleaded. He sighed in surrender and said fine.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I ran towards the shelves and excitedly gaze upon the finest collection of books i have ever seen.

"What will I choose? What will I choose?" I can't contain my excitement and it's making me tremble.

"How about The adventures of Jake Zyrus and Xander Ford?" He suggested.

"Nah. Their names sounds too extra. Good Gracious is that stars at the end of the world by Matthew Hoover?" I exclaimed to myself and moved the rolling ladder towards my aim. I immediately stepped into the ladder and made my way to the top but sadly I can't reach the book.

"You can't reach it." Greg commented.

"I can!" I argued and tiptoed to further elevate myself.

"Let me do it. You're gonna slip!" He warned me. He must've jinxed it since I found myself floating in mid air.

I heard a loud thump from the floor. It's also mind-boggling to note that I feel on something soft when I was expecting the hard marble floor.

I opened my eyes and saw the prince in front of me. So he did tried to catch me. Whatever I was expecting like in romance novels where the guy catches the falling girl is now bullocks to me. This was the most realistic scenario to happen since it is physically impossible to catch a human being and without standing perfectly still. And I can all tell you that it's painful like hell! It's totally not like the romance novels at all!

"Oh god. Are you alright?" I asked the prince. I touched his face to make sure he's alive since the floor is too firm and solid.

"You're unbelievably heavy." He groaned.

"Sorry." I rolled out on top off him and laid beside himself in a supine position while we stared at the painted ceiling awaiting for our bodies to recover from the fall.

I'd like to say that I literally fell for him as a joke but I didn't since it might not be appropriate at this moment.

"I told you, you can't reach it. Why do you always have to be hardheaded?" He lectured me but I just smiled.

"You're wrong. I got it." I responded and showed him the book I grabbed at the last second.

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