A ballad for conjoined miseries in remembrance of those good times.

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Another late night,

But if you'll laugh with me,

Rip me back to reality,

It'll be too easy

Tear me apart, please, before I say goodbye,

"You see, I don't think you're worth it,"

Say the scars in my eyes

The lies start to cry,

GIve me 24 hours before I have to go,

A friendly face, someone who'll take me home.

Beg me to show you a good time,

You know i'd happily call you mine

Tear me apart, please, before I say goodbye,

"You see, I don't think you're worth it,"

Say the scars in my eyes

The lies start to cry,

A steady rise and fall 

Is far too much for me,

As I tie my noose with your hello's

and tighten it with your goodbyes,

Tear me apart, please, before I say goodbye,

"You see, I don't think you're worth it,"

Say the scars in my eyes

The lies start to cry,

I won't wait for the sun to rise,

I'll run away before you die,

Cover my ears and shut my eyes tight,

To provide my oasis, again for the night

Tear me apart, please, before I say goodbye,

"You see, I don't think you're worth it,"

Say the scars in my eyes

The lies start to cry, 

the ones I've made myself so swiftly,

they're kind, they seem to know me, 

and the time passes by they'll devour me,

You know i'd die for your attention but this time, this time I'll hide tonight.

Tear me apart, please, before I say goodbye,

"You see, I don't think you're worth it,"

Say the scars in my eyes

The lies start to cry... 

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