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SHE COULDN'T HELP BUT stare at him as he leaned his head downwards, strands of his espresso brown hair fell onto his forehead. She wondered if they tickled his forehead or at this point, he had come accustomed to the sensation. His captivating, almond-shaped hazel eyes peered at the paper in front of him through long lashes, lashes that she was certain were longer than hers.

The white headphones that were lying limp around his neck were still turned on. She could hear the lyrics of the song that played softly in the background pour out, the beat of it pulsated ever so slightly and she couldn't help but wonder what his taste in music was like.

"The way the light lays on your face when you look at me..."

He chewed on a full bottom lip as he probably debated on what the correct answer was- Maya's gaze lingered a few seconds longer before ascending upwards as it followed the sharp point of his nose. She then traced along his high cheekbones and finally rested on the slowly fading bruise that somehow, added a characteristic touch.

To say he was attractive was an understatement.

His beauty was not that of a Hollywood star or a model that one would see in a magazine, it was a different kind. A little rugged with a mixture of a boyish touch. He was easy on the eyes, easy to stay focused on and easy to become lost on.

Girls at Roosevelt High School yearned for Leo- however, it was a silent yearning. He was in a relationship with Maria Fuentes, a girl that Maya was thankful she had not crossed paths with. Maya would hear whispers on the status of their relationship, but, she would never be the one to involve herself with the gossip.

His business was his and she was not the kind to stick her nose in a place where it didn't belong.

He unpredictably glanced upwards and Maya instantly inclined backward into the grey, plastic chair that was notorious within the school's library. Her back was firmly pressed against the back of the chair, the fabric of her thin t-shirt scraped against it and she could almost feel the rough exterior. A pink hue tinged her cheeks as she hoped that he hadn't caught her admiring him.

"If I'm solving for x, I use the answer I got for y, right?"

A wave of relief washed over Maya as she realized that he hadn't noticed her gawking at him, "Exactly."

"Thanks," he mumbled as he returned his attention to the page, his left hand scribbling away.

His printing, from her point of view, was ineligible. She often would have to ask him to spin his notebook around so she could determine what he had written. In the past half an hour, he hadn't asked for her help much and appeared to be very independent with the task.

She guessed, like any other teacher, she felt the smallest hint of pride whenever he did answer a question right. It was as if she was helping spark a change as if she was helping him grow.

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