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Emma's POV

I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.

"Excuse me, Sharon. There's something we have to discuss with you," I interrupted her silly excitement but she ignored me.

My patience was running thin.

Ethan arrived beside me.

"Emma, let me handle this," he whispered in my ear.

"No," I stated, taking a stand.

I grabbed the magazine from Sharon's hand and held it behind my back. She looked at me wide-eyed and seemed ready to kill but I didn't move; I couldn't.

"Now that I have your attention, there's something we have to talk about in private, or we can do it here. I don't give a damn but we're going to talk to you now."

I had no idea that I had that in me but lately I had developed a courageous attitude, which I loved.

"Ethan, what's going on?" she asked as she stood up.

"Sharon, lets discuss this in the study. Mrs. Promme, please excuse us," he said.

We followed him into the study.

"Sharon, I'll be calm and collected about this; I would really like to know why the fuck you were tampering with my company's accounts!"  

If that was what he called calm and collected then I wouldn't want to see him when he was angry. His eyes were doing their changes as he leaned against his desk. I stood next to him despite the anger. I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

Sharon stood in the middle of the room. "What is she doing here?" she asked, glaring at me. 

I rolled my eyes at her silly question.

"Don't try my patience. Answer my question!"

"Ethan, I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't tampering with any accounts."

"Are you going to stand there and lie to my fucking face? You're lucky I'm not pressing charges against your ass!"

"Ethan, you're being paranoid."

"I'm being what? Listen, I'm giving you one hour– one hour– to pack your shit up! Get your clothes, your heels, your makeup, your hair extensions, and get your ass out of my house!"

She gasped. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm your fiancee!"

"Actually, I'm his fiancee," I said and waved my ring finger in her face.

"What? Is this some kind of a joke?"

"No Sharon, this is real."

"Ethan, you're leaving me for her? You came up with whole tampering crap to put me out of your house so you could be with this... this... this thing!"

I rolled my eyes again. Was that all she had?

Ethan pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. "I love this 'thing'," he said as he kissed my cheek.

Sharon was turning red. "Ethan, are you crazy or are you playing this out as a way to get back at me? Okay, I admit, I did tamper with the accounts, but only once. I don't have an excuse for doing it. I just wanted to see how well the company was doing. Baby, I'm sorry, I should have just told you." She began to cry.

"Since when are you interested in the company's well being? All you care about is money and fashion. You don't even care about me."

"That's not true. Ethan, I love you! I made a mistake and it won't happen again. I'm sorry!" She fell to the floor, weeping.

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