Love Triangle

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Emily's POV

As I stood in the hallway at my locker, getting my text books for the last subject of the day, I overheard a group of girls whispering about me. It was funny how they were talking about me and I standing right there. They knew I would hear them so, of course, they were seeking my attention, and I ignored them.

I continued to get my textbooks and closed my locker when one of them said his name-- my Sebastian's name. Something in me lit, like a flare shooting into the skies. My blood boiled and I turned towards them and approached them.

"You have something to say, say it to my face!" I snapped at the ring leader, Ania Haynes. 

She backed away a few feet behind her friends, Samika James, Karrie George and Jamie Sams.

"All we were saying is that Sebastian is cheating on you," she said.

I paused to process what she had just said, but I couldn't believe her. Those girls were miserable with their own dull lives, and only set out to make others miserable as they were.

"Misery loves company" is a true phrase.

"You're lying," I said to her and turned my back to leave but Jamie stopped me. 

She shoved her phone in my face, showing me a picture of a girl and a guy kissing behind the bleachers-- typical high school spot. Then it dawned on me, the guy in the picture was, indeed, Sebastian, but the girl he was kissing wasn't me-- it was Regina.

Regina Powers was popular and beautiful. Every girl in school wanted to be like her. They copied her fashion, her hair styles, her makeup, the way she laughed and carried herself-- all except me. I hated Regina Powers and Sebastian knew I wasn't fond of her, so I didn't understand why he'd be kissing her. 

I looked at the picture carefully to tell if it was photo-shopped or not. I couldn't trust these girls. He said he'd never hurt me. He said he only has good intentions for us; He said he loved me. For Pete's sake, I took him home to my mom and dad. If this turned out to be true, and he'd already broken my heart three months into our relationship, Dad would have his head.

I rushed away from the girls and headed for my last subject. They began giggling behind my back. I would find Sebastian and tell him about this after school.

After school I found him in the hallway, as usual, talking with his friends and getting stuff from his locker. I walked up slowly to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hey baby," he greeted and pulled me into a big hug. 

He wouldn't do this to me, he loves me.

"So, um, there's something I have to ask you."

"What's up?"

"Were you kissing Regina Powers, your ex, behind the bleachers?"

His friends let out that 'ohhh' sound, which was boy code for busted. 

I shook it off and looked at my boyfriend's reaction. He hesitated to answer. 

He took my hand and walked out of ear shot from his friends. "Where did you heard that?"

"It doesn't matter where I heard it! I just want to know if it's true or not!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. Of course it's not true.

"I saw a picture Seb!"

"Someone is trying to mess with us."

"Why would someone try to do that?"

"I don't know. Jealousy maybe."

"So it's not true?"

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