Chapter Sixteen

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"You did what?" Hudaa yelled over the phone, infuriated over my actions. I explained everything to her, everything beginning from last night, upto Adils proposal and accusations — of Mr Ahmed and I. Now I wish I never told her, she is disappointed and has been scolding me for almost an hour now. I am going to get a bad headache after this call.

"Calm down..." I said.

"How can I calm down when my best friend is throwing away an opportunity of a life-time, destiny doesn't just happen, you create your own future by your actions. Layla why would you do deny him a chance? Unless his right and you actually are falling for your boss and you just don't know it yet," she spoke, not a moment of inhalation of air. How does she talk so fast?

"I am not in love with my boss, it will never happen. I don't like him. Why does everyone think they know what's best for me and my feelings," I stopped talking and breathed in, trying my very best to not cry.

"I just want what's best for you..." Hudaa spoke in a low tone.

"And that's what? Marriage? If this is about my happiness — I am fine," I tried to reason out my feelings.

"How long will you look after Imad? What about your life?" Hudaa spoke — sounding rather sad. I understand her concern, the truth is I don't know yet. I told her the same answer, whenever she asks me about Imad and my life.

"As long as he needs me, as for my life — it will work out it self somehow. Anyway I have to go pick up Imad from school, talk to you later, bye."

"Okay later," She said and hang up. I looked at my phone and I thought about Adil and what he said. Maybe I am scared of being genuinely happy, and I keep on running away from it. It seems everyone has their opinions on my life. But the only ones that mattered were my parents. The only peace left for me in my life is my prayers.

The driver is supposed to take me to pick up Imad. I should get going...
I head outside and find the car parked outside and the driver waiting by the car. I quickly got in the car. In a matter of minutes, we reach the school. I started looking for Imad and he wasn't outside along with the other children, nor in the playground. Panicking isn't going to help me in this situation. I got in the school and start looking for his teacher. I found her along the hallway, as she made her way to the staff room.

"Excuse me Miss Emma," I called out, rushing towards her. She turns around and a warm smile plastered on her face.

"Oh hi Layla," she said, and waved at me.

"Hey, I can't seem to find Imad. Do you have any idea where he might be?" I spoke, the sound of my beating heart taking over my mind.

"Imad left with his uncle, he said he is related to Mr Ahmed. Um he said they are brothers. Imad knew him," she explained.

"All his uncles live abroad, how could you let him leave this school. When you know I always pick him up. This is unacceptable."

"I am sorry Layla but I thought..."

"It doesn't matter what you think. What if it's a kidnapper or worse a pedophile. I have to go, but this is not over," I told her, walking away from her. I ran out the exit and towards the car. I got in the car, and instructed the driver to go back home. Maybe this "uncle" of his took him home. My mind wouldn't stop imagining life threatening scenarios, my heart just couldn't stop racing. When I got back to the mansion, I rushed inside. Got in the mansion, and started calling out Imads name. Tears lingering in my eyelids. He has to be home.

As I was going upstairs, I heard a laughter. It came from the garden. I look through the glass-sliding door, and see Imad. He's playing  football with his uncle — Hussein. Alhamdulliah.

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