Chapter Five

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"Amal can never know you're in Dubai," Rayana spoke in a stern tone.

"I can't control the media outlet, of course she will get to know one way or another that I am in Dubai," I replied.

"Yah you're right. Even so, you can control your paths from crossing. Please just stay away from her," She warned me.

"You don't sound so pleased to hear about my arrival, given that you are the one who invited me for your wedding. I am in Dubai because of you," I spoke, trying not to sound so sore.

"Imad it's nothing personal, I do appreciate that you came. I just don't want Amal to be unhappy or sad, she's been through enough. You know what you did, and you may feel the urge to contact her and explain your actions now that you're in the same country. But it's way too late for that and so just keep your distance. If you do so, I'll consider that my wedding gift."

"I understand. I'll keep my distance," I replied and hang up the call. I threw my phone on the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed. Face in my hands, thoughts swirling in my mind. My manager Danny, walks into the room and starts talking;

"So many television networks want to host on their shows."

"I don't want be on any show. I want to keep a low profile while being here," I said.

"Okay understood," he replied. "Are you okay? I am asking as your friend."

"I am thinking of giving this all up."

"No Imad you can't do that. You have worked way too hard to just give up at the prime of your career," He said.

"I know," I said, staring at the floor. "Can you leave the room please, I need some time alone."

"Imad I know you have been through a lot the last couple of years..."

"Danny just leave. Please," I cut him off and spoke. I escorted him to the door, once he left I closed the door and locked it. I haven't been able to live with myself since the day Layla died. I haven't found a way to live with myself since that day, I have just been pretending. Faking it.

Amal hates me, as she should. What I did to her is unforgivable, and I will never forgive myself for what I did, for what I didn't do. I took my phone and went through all the messages Amal sent me, like a dagger through the heart. I am coward, I ran and didn't look back. Running from the pain and the reality, not caring who I left behind. Who have I become? Tears lingered on my eyelids as I re-read every message Amal sent me.


Mal: Assalam Alaykum.
Mum died Imad... There was a car accident, but Anisa and dad survived.

Mal: She's being buried today.
When are you coming?

1 week later

Mal: Anisa is in a coma and dad is paralyzed. I don't know what to do Imad.
Please call me back whenever you can.

2 weeks later

Mal: Hey Imad
I know it's a lot to take in, but I need you here.
When are you coming home? Please respond.

4 weeks later

Mal: It all feels so unreal. I keep on expecting mum to walk into the room. I was going through our pictures today, and I really miss her. Do you?

7 weeks later

Mal: Hey...
Please call me.
Dad asked about you yesterday, he's been struggling but he's trying. He misses mum, so much, he doesn't want to live without her. Anisa is still in a coma and mum is dead. Can you believe it? Because I still can't.

9 weeks later
12:00 am

Mal: Call me please.

11 weeks later

Mal: I had to pack mum's things today, and donate them. Aunty Hudaa helped. I tried to keep most of her things, but everything I touched sparked a memory and I just couldn't stop crying.

Imad when are you coming home?

12 weeks later

Mal: Why are you doing this?
What is wrong with you?! The woman who raised you died and you have the audacity to be on a talk show. You can't even reply to any of my messages. Seriously.
How heartless can you be!

17 weeks later

Mal: I am sorry for what I said Imad.
I just wanted to let you know that Dad is going to Sweden to receive medical care there. Aunty Sarah is going with him.

20 weeks later

Mal: Do you think Anisa will ever wake up?
I am scared, that she never will. I don't want to live without her. I miss her.

29 weeks later

Mal: I can't believe you. You can't even call me back let alone respond to my messages. You know what.
Don't ever talk to me again!

Thanks for reading ❤️
Amal and Imad have both been suffering in their own ways. Do you think what Imad did is forgivable?

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