Chapter 18 "The Big Meeting"

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Sophie's POV

Telling my boss about by past wasn't something I was expecting when I first started my new job here. And for him to react in the way he did was just shocking.

But I just couldn't stop myself from opening upto him. It felt so good to share it with him. It was like giving him a piece of me. I know I should be scared that I am trusting someone who I don't know much about . Al93so He is still my boss.

But I know I can trust him. Until now he has been nothing but very patient with me. I felt so happy when he smiled at me later that night in his car, showing his perfectly straight teeth.

His smile is so beautiful, I thought.

He is beautiful. ..

Right now I'm deciding to what to wear for the big meeting with The Brown. Corp.

After a while I decided to put on my red blazer to go for a professional look with dress pants and I let my hair down. It looks decent as well as sexy as some might call it. I would have never even bought it if Claire wouldn't have forced me to.

Last weekend Claire dragged me from my comfy bed after showing up on my door to go shopping at 10 in the morning.

Don't get me wrong I love shopping but it's not my perfect idea to spend my weekend. I love to sleep in my bed all day till late hours in weekends and just being lazy. But all that plan went in the drain when Claire announced her arrival. I tried to convince her to but like hell she would listen.

She bought me many dresses that I probably would've never imagined buying let alone wearing. She also bought me different kinds of lingerie for who knows what. Thong, Lace, black, red you name it. When I asked her why I needed all of this she just said that I need to prepared.

Prepared for what?

Anyways. After getting my purse along with my phone and other necessities I left my apartment and locked my door.

As I was leaving I saw that the door to the apartment nest to mine was wide open with some packed boxes littered across the living room and the hallway. I immediately understood that someone is moving in.

I guess I'm going to have a neighbour.

I didn't think much of it and made my way towards my workplace.

After reaching building I immediately went for the elevator as I saw it closing. I screamed for the person in the elevator to wait and the doors to the elevator opened again, revealing a smiling Jackson.

I stepped into the elevator and after pressing the button to my floor I turned towards Jackson and smiled.


"Hi Sophie. It feels like dejá vù, doesn't it?"

I chuckled remembering our first encounter when I was the on holding the elevator for him.

"Yeah. How are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah I know. I've been busy. You know your boss really likes to keep us on our toes"

Alex really does like to keep his employees working. He hate people who slack.

"You look good by the way. The Brown. Corp. will agre to make any deal with us just looking at you."

I smiled at his compliment and and just shook my head slightly at his joke.


Jackson looked towards me and said

"Are you during lunch? Maybe I can make it up to you for not meeting you enough this week?"

"Yeah sure"

"Great see you then. I'll meet you in your cabin."

With that said, he exited the elevator.

After reaching my floor, I entered my office and placed my purse on my desk and started to collect the papers the presentation and the copies of it that I printed out the other night.

I left my office after grabbing all the copies and turned towards the door leading to the conference room where all the important meetings like this are held.

It was a really simple but big room. There was long table with chairs around it. The wall opposite to the door was made of glass giving a very beautiful view of New York but right now it was closed by blinders. There was a big screen on one side of the room for presentations.

I started to place all the copies on the table for reach person and made some other preparations. After all the things were placed and ready i just took my seat in corner next to the single chair on one end of the table. I decided to wait for Alex to arrive. The meeting was the first thing in today's schedule so We were supposed to meet in the conference room directly as everything for the meeting was ready.

I looked towards my watch and sighed,


The meeting starts at 8:30 so I still have time. So decided to go to the kitchen in the floor to have some coffee. After having my coffee I decided to return back to the conference room But this time it wasn't empty.

There was my boss pacing on the other end of room looking really nervous. It looks like he wants this deal very badly. He was running his hands through his hair and it was sticking in all different directions but instead he looked sexy. He still hasn't noticed my presence so I slowly  walked across the room and gently placed placed my hands on his shoulders effectively stopping him from pacing and said,

"Hey you look really stressed. Don't worry. All the things are in their perfect place. Everything will be just okay."

He looked at me and Relief clearly flooded his eyes and he smiled slightly showing his dimples which could've melted me right then and there...

"I'm sure you've done a great job."

I kinda felt proud to hear that but that little moment was short lived as we notice people in business suits entering the room. I look towards Alex again and gave a reassuring smile and mouthed,

"It'll  be fine"

He smiled back and we took our seats and the meeting started.

Do you guys like Jackson??

It's last day of the year and I want to thank all my readers for the support.💚💚
Love you all!!

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