Chapter 27 "Nightlife"

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Sophie's POV

I was just sitting in my bedroom with my laptop on my lap, working. But that doesn't mean I was able to get any work done. Because I just couldn't concentrate. Every time I started to type, my focus went to the events of this morning.

Earlier this morning

Daniel showed up this morning. He spends most of the time in my apartment as he seems to love the food that I make besides he said that from now on I'm his new best friend. Honestly, I don't mind a bit. I don't like being alone all the time and he is a great company and keeps me entertained.

I really like him as a friend and trust him. He knows everything about Alexander. I told him everything. He was really interested in knowing some juicy details about my hot boss and I wanted someone to share my feelings with. So I ended up telling him everything.


Even about the incident in his office. Just thinking of it makes me want to cry. It just hurt. I don't why but it did.

I can't help it that I have this little crush on my boss. I don't have any experience with the opposite gender. I just came here just some months ago and started working for Alex. I didn't really know anyone here except my boss and he treated me really good. He was nothing like people said. Instead of rude, angry and arrogant, he was sweet, gentle and friendly. It didn't help that he is really hot. Like H.O.T hot.

I told this Daniel and to say he was furious would be an understatement. He was was cursing every profanity he knew at Alex for making me cry.

"That hoebag! How dare he make you cry! I swear if I have my hands on him, I will castrate him for making you sad. Fuck! Just because he's dingy dangy delicious, doesn't mean he can say those hurtful things to my Sophie. Wait, let me drill some sense into thick skull."

He was almost out the door to have Alexander's head before I stopped him. Even though he probably didn't know where his house is. After the initial anger subsided, he started to tease me about my little crush on my boss and how painfully stupid he is for not realising his mistakes.

After that he decided to take to a club tonight for some 'hotmen hunting'.
His words, not mine.
I agreed to go since I wanted to get my mind off of someone and besides I wanted to enjoy myself while I'm here. I want to try things I've never done before.

As I agreed to him, Daniel gave me a huge smile and started to search for the perfect dress for me to wear for tonight, saying he's gonna make me look so hot that it will put even Megan Fox to shame.

I just shook my head slightly at his excitement, when there was a knock at the front door. I just left Daniel to do whatever he was doing and went to answer the door.

I opened the door and I wasn't prepared for what I saw. It was Alexander. For a few moments I just stood there in shock. When he interrupted me, I invited him in and we sat in the couch in the living room. He looked really good in a t shirt and faded jeans. It was the first time I've ever seen him outside office.

He apologised to me and it was sincere. I could tell it by his eyes. He really regretted whatever he said and hi behaviour. It shocked me. What shocked me further was that he brought flowers for me. It was really beautiful and made of roses. My favourite. The gesture melted my heart.

We were just talking when I noticed his eyes were stuck on something else behind me. I turned to have a look and it was Daniel. I don't know if I imagined or not but Alex looked really uncomfortable. It was not along before he abruptly left and decided that he needed to leave.

Irresistible Attraction Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon