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THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS HAVE violent ends, and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume

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THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS HAVE violent ends, and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume.

In a totally twisted way, Lorelai Swan learned to call the hospital her second home. After all, it was the place she spent most of her time all these years. Though she only visited Dr. Carlisle Cullen biweekly, Lorelai showed up more often than not. She was determined to invoke change in her life, and nothing was going to stop her (other than herself, but that wasn't the point).

Nonetheless, every visit had been simple, nothing special or out of the ordinary. But today's visit, in particular, had Lorelai thinking (well, blindly hoping and desperately believing) that today would go down in Swan history.

A faint blue hospital gown was draped over her scrawny figure. Lorelai could feel the cold tile beneath her through the socks she wore. Goosebumps rode her pale skin that forced the long hairs on her arms to reach for the heavens.

Lorelai chewed on her lower lips, eyes trained on the scale in front of her. "I'm telling you, Carlisle, I've got a really good feeling about this one."

Carlisle had been going through his usual checklist of questions as she continued to say the same general statement over and over again. "Have you made any drastic or notable changes in your eating habits in the past two weeks?" he asked.

They had been going at it like this for the past ten minutes. It was like a father trying to control his overly excited daughter. Lorelai was restless.

"Just the usual stuff you've been telling me to eat. I skipped breakfast yesterday, though," quickly blurted out Lorelai. "Seriously, Carlisle, it's gonna be something good!"

Lorelai was fairly proud of herself. Over the course of six months, she had really been pushing herself to eat more and more. Sure, she had plenty of her moments where she'd refuse to eat a full meal or where she'd smoke half a pack of cigarettes in less than a week. Her smoking addiction had simmered greatly due to the fact that she'd only been smoking because of the depressants in the Nicotine and because it'd help her lose weight. Nonetheless, she'd been recovering slowly, but steadily. Just last month, Lorelai had finally stayed in the 80's for more than three weeks. This was a huge contrast in comparison to her usual weight, which would range from around 75 pounds at the lowest and roughly 85 at the highest.

He lightheartedly laughed at her words, scribbling onto Lorelai's lengthy chart. "Okay, Rory, please take a step onto the scale," he gently requested.

Lorelai nodded, her eyes falling shut as she inhaled deeply. She rubbed her hands together dramatically, hyping herself up as she anticipated the moment to come. "Alright, Rory, you got this," she whispered to herself.

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