04 | New Friends

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a/n. lily collins is fucking adorable
also all translations will be attached to each statement in the comments :)

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"THANK YOU... FOR COMING with me, I mean."

Lorelai Swan's amber eyes were locked on the scenery before her. Her long fingers were wrapped around the black, leather steering wheel of Jasper's car. Every so often, Lorelai would glance to the side, her eyes missing the extravagant beauty that was Jasper Hale.

His hand had been wrapped around her's as he said, "A four hour road-trip with the love of my life? I wouldn't miss it for the world." He lifted her free hand, pressing his cool lips against it. "Though I must admit, I'm a little confused as to why we didn't just... you know... run."

Lorelai shrugged. "Sometimes I need a little bit of normal in my life," she confessed. "If that means driving for a few hours, then I'll take it. Besides, I miss driving around everywhere. It's so mindless."

"So is running," mumbled Jasper.

Lorelai rolled her eyes, smiling brightly at her boyfriend. Boyfriend. She still wasn't used to calling him that. Regardless, it just felt right.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," taunted Lorelai. "Besides, we'd miss out on all the little sentimental moments if we just sped through life."

"Hm," hummed Jasper. "You have a point."

"I always do."

"Sure you do," sarcastically mentioned Jasper. The couple shared a small laugh. "So, tell me about your friends."

Lorelai shrugged. "I don't know," she admitted. "What do you want to know?"

This time, Jasper shrugged. "I don't know," he imitated. "You only knew them for about a week, but you all seem to be rather close. I mean, we're driving up to Seattle for their graduation, aren't we?"

"Hm," hummed Lorelai. "You have a point."

"I always do."

Lorelai rolled her eyes. "Well," she started, "their names are Stella Capulet and Irene Dae. Both of them are, you know, like us: vampires. I met them at the University of Seattle."

After dying, Lorelai's memory had become impenetrable. She could remember every single moment as clear as day. Still, despite all of this, Lorelai was lost. It hadn't even been long since Lorelai had finally arrived at the University, yet she had still managed to get lost within the first few hours.

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