Chapter 2

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Chapter 2  A New Family?

"Hi Lyra, we're the Hutleys. You already know me of course, and this is my husband Adam."

"We are so sorry to hear about your loss Lyra, we will try our best to make you feel right at home, and help you in any way we can."

I stared at them in disbelief. In what alternate universe do children get adopted by their teachers? Wow how I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Lyra, say hello." Said Mrs. Rivers with a reassuring smile.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hutley."

During the time that they were there Mrs. Whutt asked them many questions about what they like to do for fun, and what they plan on doing to entertain me. In turn, they asked me about my hobbies and interests. The interview lasted for about 45 minutes, which seemed like 45 days to me.

"Lyra, could you please go out in the hallway so I can have a word with Mr. and Mrs. Hutley?" Said Mrs. Rivers, which sounded more like a command rather than a question.

I waited outside for about 10 minutes when Mrs. Rivers came back out and asked me about how I felt about the Hutleys. I liked the idea of staying with someone familiar but also didn't like the fact that it would be awkward. I didn't feel ready just yet to be in a permanent home, but it was still better than moving from house to house.

"They seem like a nice family, I would be delighted to stay with them, permanently."

"Perfect, you can go back and have a seat on the couch, the adults will work everything out. You have nothing to worry about."

There was nothing to worry about. Yeah, right! My father just died and I'm being adopted by my teacher. What happens to all my stuff? How far away will I be from my old house? Will I see my friends? So many questions kept popping into my head, I was beginning to feel ill. I went in and the 'adults' were in Mrs. Rivers office dealing with what I assume papers. I went back and laid down on the couch and began to watch cartoons again. 7 o'clock. Mrs. Rivers came to wake me up and told me I was going to be spending the night there until someone can bring me to my old house to gather my belongings to move in with the Hutleys. She led me to a room with 8 cot-like beds, 3 of them being used by other confused looking children. She gave me a light pink t-shirt and blue pajama pants I could put on. Since I didn't have any other clothes with me except for the ones I was wearing. Once I was changed and laying down in the cot, I stared off into space again. Not dreaming, but pondering. What was my life going to be like now? I didn't have anyone except for my teacher. And who said they were going to like me? Or treat me right, the way I should be treated? Unwillingly, I dozed off into a deep sleep, which I found to be unusual, since it was only 9. I usually go to bed around 10:30-11:00 o'clock. I needed the sleep though, there was a big tiresome day ahead of me, which I wouldn't find out until later.

"Lyra, Lyra wake up."

I opened my eyes, groggy and irritated that I was shaken awake, I didn't like mornings very much.

"I don't like mornings, lemme sleep."

"Lyra, you had an accident."

"Wait what?!?"

I sat up in the cot really fast, and could feel and smell the predicament I was in. I peed in the bed. What the heck was happening? This has never happened before since i was like 6, and especially shouldn't happen to me, a 14-year-old! I was in a panicked state at that point. I covered my face with my hands and began to cry, not loud sobs but more of a soft drizzle of tears.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I will clean it up, I promise!"

"Lyra, its okay dear. This happens to many children, believe me, you're not the first! Just go and clean up, your clothes were washed, and are sitting on the shelf right next to you. The bathroom is right there, there is a shower with shampoo and soap, the towels are hanging on a rack above the toilet."


"Better hurry up though, you have a big day ahead of you."

A big day? What did she mean by that? All I was doing was getting all my stuff out of my old house to bring to the Hutleys. Oh well. I grabbed my clothes and hurried to the bathroom, so I could avoid being noticed by too many people as the huge wet circle on the back and side of my pajamas was very noticeable. I got into the bathroom and there was already a towel and a mini bottle of soap and a small container of a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner. On top of the neatly folded towel was a flowered thing that I didn't notice when I first walked in. I grabbed it and studied it closely. A diaper, one of those things you always see on TV, happynights or goodnights or something like that. Did this lady seriously think that I was going to wear that? She was out of her mind! One little accident and she starts treating me like a 3-year-old that can't make it to the toilet. Yeah right, I'm 14! I got into the shower and washed up, I got out, dried, and got dressed; luckily, she included my underwear when she gave me my clothes. I grabbed the diaper and threw it into the trash can that was next to the toilet. I put my towel in the hamper that was there and noticed that there was also a disposable tooth brush and a new dollar store hair brush I could use. I brushed my teeth and hair and walked out of the steamy bathroom.

"All ready Lyra? Do you have everything?" Mrs. Rivers asked me giving me a quizzical look. 

"Yes, I do."

"Everything that you should have on, do you have everything I gave you?"

"Yes Mrs. Rivers, I do." I said getting irked by her comments about the diaper.

"Okay then dear, you can go downstairs to the lobby and wait for Mr. and Mrs. Hutley, they will be here to pick you up and bring you to your house soon."

"Ok, um, where is my backpack? It has my key."

"It's on your cot."

"Okay, thank you."

I walked over to the cot that had my backpack on it. They removed the dirty sheets and were washing them already. I sure did make a mess, there was a huge spot on the cot, that still looked soaked. I grabbed my backpack and went down into the lobby. Right when I got to the double doors, Mr. and Mrs. Hutley's car pulled up. A ford explorer SUV that was white. Mr. Hutley rolled down his window and motioned with his hand to come.

"Come on sweetie, hop in the back seat."

I walked over to the SUV slowly and opened the back door to get in. 

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