Chapter 11

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Chapter 11   Conflict? Again?

When I woke up, I was in my bed. I looked out the window and saw that it was still dark. As I became more and more awake, I heard voices coming from Amanda and Adam's room. They were whispering so I got up and sat at my doorway so that I could hear them better.

"I don't care Amanda! She is acting like a 2 year old for christs sake." Adam whispered.

"It's harmless! At least she is not out doing drugs! I work at a high school Adam. I see what most girls do, and I would rather have all of them in diapers than doing what is 'cool' these days."

"I don't care about the diapers, it's the fact that you bathed her, fed her a bottle, and now she's in her room sleeping in a wet diaper, sucking on a pacifier." Adam retorted.

"She is a good kid Adam. She does a lot of things for herself, she just looked like she needed some love. She called me mommy today, do you know how much that touched me? She just lost her father... she is finally starting to feel comfortable. If it takes me having to bathe her to make her feel better, then so be it."

Adam sighed. "Well it's just not normal Amanda." He said.

"I know, but would anyone be normal after they lost everything, and after their only family died?" Amanda asked.

"I know, I know. I'm just not used to seeing a 13 year old in a wet diaper. And to hear that she was drinking out of a bot..."

"Well... you could look at it a different way." Amanda cut in.

"And what would that be?"

"We did want a baby girl, didn't we? If she stays this way, well, it is the baby we wanted. Maybe there is a physical difference, but the mindset is still the same. It would be like raising her from infancy." Amanda said.

"I just don't know Amanda, I'm tired and I have to spend the entire time at work again tomorrow, let's just go to bed." Adam said.

"Okay, we can talk more about this tomorrow." Amanda said.

"Night sweetie." Adam said kissing her.

"Sleep well baby."

I didn't know what to think of this. Adam didn't want me, and the only reason Amanda wanted me was because I was like the baby she never had. I knew what I had to do though. Tomorrow when I wake up, I will make sure to change my diaper before Amanda sees me, that way she will think I am dry. I will wear a goodnight, and if I have an accident, I will change without her knowing. That way they will think I am a grownup. No more baby stuff, no more hugs or kisses. I will become a new person, a grown up person. That way Adam will like me, and hopefully Amanda still will. I could do that or I could run away. At least if I ran away, I could find a family where everyone would love me. I just don't know though, I am just so confused. I went to bed and started to cry.

"Daddy." I squeaked, "I need you."

I woke up to the feeling of something cold on my bottom. I rubbed my eyes and opened them, and saw that Amanda was changing g my diaper.

"Well good morning sleepy head." She said in a cheery voice.

I realized what she was doing, realized that I had wet the bed, and I quickly got up and walked away from her.

"Silly goose! I'm not done yet." Amanda giggled.

"No, it's ok, I can change myself. I don't need a diaper during the day time. I know how to go to the bathroom thank-you." I said to her in the most grown up voice I had.

"Well, uh, okay." Amanda said, looking hurt and stunned at the same time.

She walked out of the room and went downstairs, leaving all the diaper changing supplies on my bed. I put them all away after I finished wiping myself, and then I went to take a shower. I wanted to be grown up. Adults take showers every morning, so that's what I was going to do. Even when I lived with my father, I had a shower every other day, before bed though. Once I was out of the shower, I grabbed a goodnight and put it on, after applying some baby-powder. I know it was for babies, but I was starting to get a rash, well, I think that's what it was. It was all red and hurt a lot. I then brushed my teeth, put my hair in a ponytail and put on a pair of jeans with a yellow top.

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