21.) Can pigs fly? pt. 2

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Seeing Jason carrying a lifeless Dasani our way with two officers in handcuffs and his Lawyer behind him.

I started to freak out when I heard sirens.

"What da fuck happened?!" August asked charging at Jason but Gyptian grabbed him. "Move along Aug." He told him as he held Dasani close to him.

He looked as if he was holding back tears.

"Jason.. what happened?" I asked as a few EMT crew ran inside with the stretcher. "She was beaten and drugged." Was all he said as they took her from his arms and laid her down on the stretcher and started checking her out.

"What did she consume?" One of the rescuers asked him. "One of them know." He said looking at the officers and I felt my blood fuming.

"Is she dead?" I asked my next question, "She has a faint pulse... we have to get her to the hospital quick!" Another one spoke as they stuck an IV in her arm and started doing chest compressions.

"What did you give her?!" He asked charging towards the manly looking female cop. His Lawyer and two other cops moved back as he choked her up.

"What did you do?!" He asked again, "Detective that's not a good look." Another officer said. "Detective?! HE DA FEDS?! WHAT DA FUCK?!" August yelled.

Why the hell did G bring him?

"Shut up damn." I stressed trying to get as much information as possible. "Did y'all know? Did Sani know? What da fuck? Y'all befriended da opps?!" He went on as he stormed out the jailhouse.

"I don't know what it was.. I was just paid and told to do it." The lady said and his Lawyer held up a recorder.

"Confession." He said, "I'll meet you at the hospital." He told Jason then sent a nod G's and I way before leaving out.

"I want dem booked now!! NOW!" Jason demanded knocking down a few pictures.

"NOW!" He repeated before he stormed out, seeing everyone scramble, I was shook at the power he had.

Damn was I glad to be his friend.

G and I left out, but not before getting some information for ourselves.

"She's dead." I said once we got in the car. "Dis is on you August! I warned you!!" G shouted as he gripped the steering wheel.

"If she dies it's gon be mi and yuh!" He warned, "Sayless." August said from behind and when G started driving I turned in my seat and smacked him, once, twice, then two more times.

"FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed in his face. "You jus had ta fuck di bitch!!" I yelled, looking at me with pure hate, I dared him to hit me.

"Get out my face." He spoke low but sternly. "I should spit in it." I threatened before I felt myself being pulled down.

"Sitcho ass down." G stated, rolling my eyes, my leg bounced rapidly as everything started playing over in my head.

Told him time and time again to stop fucking with the bitch.

Told him time and time again to not fuck with Dasani if he wasn't serious about her. This nigga just can't stay right to get left.

I would never understand him.. I never saw him do so much careless shit for as long as I've known him.

Fucking sad...

At the hospital

"So what I was able to get after going back to the jailhouse to make sure they got booked.. I found out that the Angelina woman that wants to press charges knew Carter and CJ."

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