8: She's A Feisty One

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^^ Stacey ^^

School hasn't even started yet, and the day has already been far too awkward for my liking. All weekend we'd been getting texts and missed calls from Adam and Liam. The texts started off as apologies, and then as the weekend progressed, they turned into lectures telling us how stupid we are for turning up there. I'd been all for talking to the boys and sorting it out until they started calling us stupid. It's not like we knew what we were walking into. We'd never expected it to be anything like that; I'd still been convinced it was something to do with a girl. If we were stupid for going, then surely that meant they were too, right?

We'd ignored them as we walked into the school building this morning, but now I was trapped in History, with Adam next to me and Liam in front. Adam's been pretty quiet, but Liam keeps turning around and tapping my desk with his pen. I sigh and look up at him.

"Not now, Liam. Just leave it."

"Rob, come on. At least let me-"

"Is there a problem here?" I look up to see Mr Hawkins frowning at Liam as he shakes his head and sighs. "Robin?"

I'm about to say no until I see Liam still staring at me. "Sir, if he doesn't stay out of my face, then in a few years you'll be teaching a History class about the girl who strangled the idiot to death in your classroom."

There are chuckles around the room and I see Mr Hawkins fighting a grin. He can obviously tell from my expression that I'm not joking, as his face drops and he sighs. "Liam, face the front please, or I'll send you outside." Liam does as he's told, and for a minute I think I'm finally going to be left in peace. That is until Mr Hawkins speaks again. "Robin, see me after class, please."

I groan but nod anyway, grateful that the class goes back to normal as he moves to the front of the classroom again.

I stay in my seat after class and watch as Mr Hawkins closes the door after the last student leaves. He moves to perch on Liam's desk, and for a few seconds, he just stares at me.

"What's going on, Robin?" He asks, and I shrug my shoulders. "No, don't give me that. You're not yourself at all this morning. It's like you're not even really here at all. You've been far too quiet."

I sigh and shake my head. "It's nothing, really."

"I thought you were close with Liam and Adam, but you've completely shut them out. What have they done?"

I sigh again. "It's just... They... Ugh!" I rub my hands down my face and sit up straight. "What do you do when you know someone is doing something completely stupid and reckless, but you know you can't stop them?"

He nods and turns Liam's chair around to sit in it. "So they're up to something? Something risky?"

I nod and lean forward with my elbows on the desk. "Yeah, and they hid it and lied about it. So we followed them on Friday night and figured it out. And I was totally up for talking it out with them, and hearing their side until they started saying how stupid we were, and that we were idiots for being there!"

His eyebrows go up and I can tell he's thinking about what to say. "Look, teenagers can be stupid and reckless. It's part of growing up. Some people might think that running away from Atlanta to end up in Arizona is reckless," I chuckle and nod as he grins. "But people have to learn from their own mistakes, and when teenagers get something in their head, they're stubborn. Nothing you can say will change their minds, they have to do it themselves. On the other hand, insulting you for being there was uncalled for, and I'm pretty sure they regret it."

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