17: Make Me Cry

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^^ Liam ^^

So it turns out that not speaking to the guys for a couple of hours actually makes them a lot more flexible with all of their rules. Not only had they agreed to me doing the summer program, but they'd also agreed that I didn't need an escort to school, as long as Stacey was giving me a ride. We'd left early this morning so that we could stop at Shelby's and grab a coffee to go. We're currently sitting on her car, enjoying the morning sun.

"Morning, ladies," Lucas says with a grin as he joins us with Adam and Liam.

I open my eyes with a smile, sitting forward to greet Adam with a kiss. "Good morning!"

"Someone's cheery this morning," Liam chuckles.

"I have a feeling it's going to be a good day," I say.

Stacey groans and shakes her head. "Never, ever say that! Now it's bound to be a disaster!"

I laugh and shove her shoulder. "Don't shit all over my good mood!" I look at Liam and tilt my head.

"What?" he asks, looking at me suspiciously.

"Why don't you have a car?"

He rubs the back of his neck and shares a glance with Adam. "I used to."

I look between them waiting for him to explain, but he just looks at the floor. "But?" I prompt.

"I kind of totalled it, and Dad refused to buy me another one."

I laugh loudly and shake my head.

"What he isn't saying," Lucas starts. "Is that he crashed it in an illegal street race, and his dad had to pull some major strings to get the charges dropped."

My mouth falls open as Liam punches Lucas' arm, obviously wishing he'd kept that information to himself. "You really are a little rebel, aren't you?" I grin, sliding off the hood of the car as the bell rings.

Adam wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk into the school building. "What are we doing tonight?"

"I have no idea," I chuckle. "We'll think of something."

He nods and leans down to kiss me before leaving in the other direction with Stacey, who blows a kiss towards me as she walks backwards a few steps.

"Oh joy, it's Math time!" Lucas says as we walk towards our first lesson. He looks down at me before bending his arm and resting his elbow on the top of my head. "You're the perfect height for this!"

"Lucas, I will cut you."

Liam laughs loudly from my other side, before reaching over me to smack Lucas' head. "She's not joking."


My 'good day' managed to last just over an hour. I'm walking down the corridor with Adam, heading to our next lesson when I'm suddenly deafened by the fire alarm. Not even a second later, I'm drenched to the bone as the sprinklers turn on.

"You jinxed it!" Adam says as he turns around and pulls me towards the exit.

"Hey! This is not on me!" I protest, brushing my damp hair out of my face. We make our way down the steps, and as I look around for Stacey, I spot a familiar figure near the corner of the building. I tug Adam along with me as I approach her. "Lenni?"

She freezes in her spot and turns slowly, lifting her hand up in a wave. My eyes are instantly drawn down to where her hand is joined with Liam's, who is currently standing next to her, looking awkward as hell. I don't have time to comment before she's pulling me around the corner of the building.

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