xviii. 2018

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
EIGHTEEN( 2018 ! )

iMESSAGES between

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
happy new year for later baby, if i don't make it tonight

olivia ❤️❤️❤️
happy new year my love

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
how's everything??


lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
babe i'm so sorry

i'm breaking up with thomas tomorrow

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
woah what
really?? are you sure that's what you want

i'm sure, i can't keep doing the whole back a forth thing with him anymore
and i'm not gonna let it get like ryan

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
you need to be sure about this
because they'll be no going back

i'm not gonna let him do what ryan did
push me around till i was scared to even stand up for myself
i'm not gonna get to the point where i'm sleeping on your sofa because i don't wanna go home and if he proposes, which is highly likely, we know that never goes well

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
only if you're okay with it
that's you are 100% sure with it

i spoke to veronica and my brother
and they both think it's for the best

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
we'll speak more when i get to new york, if i can actually get a flight
you know how hard it is to get a flight on new year's eve

nope lizzie because i've never been that silly to do it

lizzie 💍🌍✨💖
alright alright i know, last minute was a bad idea. okay i'm gonna go pack just in case and keep trying for flights

see you later, hopefully x

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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oliviastan walking into 2018 and out of 2017 like

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elizabetholsenofficial yessss, make 2018 your bitch

elizabetholsenofficial also i just got a flight so we gonna have a fucking blast

username lizzie and olivia's friendship is the best thing

veronicastclair 2018 will be your year

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

IT WAS FIVE MINUTES TILL MIDNIGHT AND OLIVIA WAS WRAPPED UP INTO LIZZIE'S SIDE AS THEY WAITED FOR THE COUNTDOWN TO BEGIN AND FOR THE BALL TO BR DROPPED IN TIMES SQUARE. Sebastian, a couple of his friends and Olivia's parents were also with them, standing behind the two girls.

Olivia and Elizabeth had already spoken, when Lizzie arrived, about Olivia breaking up with Thomas tomorrow. He was flying in tomorrow morning and Olivia thought it was just best to tell him as soon as he arrived. Lizzie agreed, even though she thought she should call him before he flied out to tell him but Olivia couldn't do it over the phone, she wasn't that type of person.

"We are gonna find you a man next year, someone who's going to treat you like a fucking princess. I'll make sure of it." Lizzie mumbled, leaning down and kissing the blondes head. Olivia smiled at the comment and leaned closer into Lizzie as she kissed her head.

Elizabeth knew Olivia wouldn't be all smiles and rainbows when she arrived but she seemed happier that what she initially thought.  She was glad that she hadn't been sulking and miserable all night, especially after all the trouble she went through in trying to get a flight. It may have helped that Olivia had a few drinks when she arrived so she had loosened up a bit but she still wasn't 100% herself.

"But he has to have a dog, an accent, lots of family and be an actor too or it won't work." Olivia mumbled, basically listing off things Thomas had and was. She didn't realise it, but that's what she was doing and Lizzie realised, but she also realised there was someone else with all those things and it left a smile on her face till early hours of the next morning.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

kind of like this chapter, especially the last bit. lizzie and olivia's friendship is my favourite and also if you didn't realise, which was pretty obvious, the guy lizzie is thinking about it Tom ( duhh!! ) so yeah, that's all!! don't forget to vote and comment and all that stuff!

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