lxvii. fighting

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tomdayaupdates Tom and Zendaya with fans today in New York | 19th October #tomdaya

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tagged tomholland2013 zendaya

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iMESSAGES between

would u be honest with me and tell me that i'm overreacting if i tell u something

if i thought you was, yes
is everything okay? what's up

me and tom are fighting
well kind of
and it's my fault but i was just really annoyed and upset and i think he deserves to know if i'm upset over something
so they finished filming four days ago, and everyone's gone home except for zendaya and tom, and his brother but he's got nothing to do with it so forget that, and i get they're probably not going to see each other for months, i totally get that. and i know they're really good friends, which is fine but it's like i don't exist all of a sudden?? and i don't get it.
yesterday, tom told me we'd go out for dinner, just the two of us, kinda like a little celebration for me being on broadway and i waited hours for him at home after rehearsal and he never showed because he was too busy with zendaya. and yeah i'd get it if she was leaving the next day or he hadn't spent the last three days with her anyway or if he hadn't been hanging out with her for the past 4 months but he fucking had. and then i got annoyed and he acted like i was in the wrong. he basically ditched me! and i feel stupid for getting annoyed but i felt awful v. awful. and i told myself i wouldn't be jealous, not when it came to tom but i can't help but feel like it.
i know they're really close friends but jesus christ, i'm his girlfriend. i shouldn't be feeling like i'm second best. and especially not to someone like zendaya. i mean come on, she's unreal, it makes me feel even worse.
i don't know what to do

hey hey calm down
you have every right to feel like this
and you did nothing wrong okay
have you told tom you feel like this?

not exactly...

maybe you should

i cant
i cant tell him

yes you can
he'd understand

i cant tell him
i'm not going to tell him


i cant tell him i'm jealous

there's nothing wrong with admitting that
at least tell him the other stuff

i don't know

just think about it, alright

thank you

i love u

love you too

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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oliviastan missed the premier of dumplin last night cause i'm in NY doing #cluelessmusical but i've been hearing such good things from y'all and i couldn't be happier !! such an important message and incredible group of women. who's seen it on @netflix

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username i have!!!! was amazing

username i'm waiting to watch it with my mum ☹️

lauraharrier i have! you were amazing 💓💓
oliviastan 😚😚

username #zendayaisbetter

username really don't see why tom is dating her

username she's not even that good lol

username tom should date zendaya instead
username he probably already is

veronicastclair proud of u 🥺
[ liked by oliviastan ]


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

first of all, thank u so much for 300k reads 🥺
that's amazing so thank you all!!
i hope u like the chapter too!
and i'm gonna try and be more active after this week ( i have exams ☹️☹️ ) but i'm not promising anything incase i'm not lol

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