Chapter 2

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Rows POV:

That evening Uther had called for dinner seeing as Morgana wasn't feeling well she took it in her room and Arthur had not yet returned from the hunt it was just the King and I with more food than anyone could possibly eat. We talked about our day but there was only one thing Uther wished to speak of and that was his new find. The heavy doors opened revealing Gaius who didn't seem too pleased. "Gaius, what is it that you want?" the king was the total opposite more focused on eating his supper where as I sent him a warm smile making him feel slightly more welcomed. "To seal up the burial chamber and all its contents." He was so blunt about it no emotion what so ever and this certainly caught the attention of his king.

"Don't be ridiculous!" There was always a reason to what Gaius says and from that reason alone I hope the king agrees to closing it off. "The insignia on this ring belongs to Cornelius Sigan, I believe it to be his tomb. In the old religion Sigan means raven." The loyal physician brought the artefact over to the king to examine and once he said that name I recognised it from one of the many books about legend in the castle library I think he was a sorcerer? "No wonder the riches are so great." Uther passed the ring to me and it was indeed a raven insignia for all our sakes Uther really should listen to his friend! "Then you're aware of the legend sire?"

"Yes! I've always enjoyed the tale of the arrogant sorcerer who came to an untimely end." The king continued eating his dinner not evening making eye contact with the man trying to warn him. "According to the story Sigan cursed Camelot and said that he would one day return and raise the city to the ground" Uther placed his wine goblet down not really wanting to be reminded of such a story because it was obvious he didn't believe it. "Gaius, you have long been my ally in the war against sorcery, you more than anyone should not give in to these irrational fears." Gaius bowed thanking the king for his time before leaving the room.

"Do you not think caution is necessary Sire? I know I have no right to question but surely in this case we should have some fear?" The king looked at me placing his gloved hand on top of my own "Row this is Camelot, I have defeated many sorcerers and those who have followed the path of magic. If I believed it to be something to fear I would be taking all the necessary precautions but because it is a simple tale it's not something I am quick to put all my faith in."

"I understand, sorry I feel quite rude now of asking such questions." He shook his head at me "you know you are always able to ask me anything, remember when you first came here? The difference a just over a year has made is quite astonishing I hope you can see me as someone as close to family as you may have and know that I won't let anything happen to you." I smiled taking his hand in mine "I know and I have you to thank for everything. You have been the father figure in my life since being here and there is no way to express my gratitude." He shook his head showing me that I did not need to. "Now off you go it's quite late and I'm sure your quite exhausted" I nodded curtsying to the king before heading towards my room where sleep came quickly.

Something was different today and my gut feeling was right. As I walked out of the castle doors for my morning stroll around the city greeting the people I noticed a nervous looking Merlin and Arthurs expression was quite similar to his loyal servants. "Arthur!" my voice echoed around the stone courtyard and everyone seemed to look behind them and when they noticed me they began laughing amongst themselves knowing I wasn't the usual noble type. The prince on the other hand stopped and waited for me to catch up.

"Ah Row, how are you this morning?" I watched him closely knowing is mind was elsewhere. "I'm very well but you don't seem it what on earth is the matter?" he sent me a smile and laughed slightly. "Nothing gets past you, does it? Well the guards on patrol this morning sent news that the tomb we have found had been left unlocked and wanted me to check if anything was missing. Care to join me?" holding his arm out we began to walk. It's hard not to feel weary as your heading down the dark caverns underneath the city itself. I have this constant feeling as if I'm being watched from the shadows and how could anyone who dared ventured down not be on their guard at all time.

BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fearless (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now