Chapter 13

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Row's POV

We'd decided to take a quick rest before continuing down the path which Arthur's horse directed us down. It still sounded silly. A horse somehow knew the direction we needed to go down.

Merlin had lit a fire and sat down on one of the logs opposite Arthur who was already sitting by it fiddling with a stick he had picked up off of the ground. I did a double check of the horses reins before deciding to take a seat in between the two and pulled my cloak closer to me to shield me from the icy chilled breeze.

"Maybe we should turn back? The woods could be filled with Odins men. "Merlin was the first to pipe up. But Arthur shook his head. "you can go back if you want to, I won't stop you." But Merlin persisted "You don't know anything about Morgause! You don't know what she's going to ask you to do and we don't even know where we're going... we're following a horse!"

Arthur looked up from the fiddling he was doing and glanced between the two of us. "Morgause said she knew my mother." Silence, that's what filled the air next.

I then got up and sat beside him linking my arm with his. "What was she like? Your mother?" Arthur was quiet for a moment before looking towards me. "I never knew her, she died before I could even open my eyes". My heart broke for him, he'd do anything to know more... I supposed I understood. "I'm sorry". His gloved hand gently rubbed mine that was cupping his arm. "I barely know anything about her".

Merlin did the same and came closer. "Can you not ask your father?" Arthur looked towards him and shook his head. "He refuses to talk... it must be too painful for him. Sometimes it feels as if she's never existed. I still have a sense for her it's as if she's part of me."

Merlin nodded in agreement "that's the same as me with my father, I never knew him. And my mother has barely spoken of him. I've got this vague memory... it's probably just my imagination." He smiled, but I could see it pained him. "I'd do anything for the vaguest memory". His eyes were watery for a few seconds before he blinked it away and stared into the fire. "Is that why you're so determined to find Morgause? To see what she knows about your mother?" he squeezed my hand harder for a second before loosening it. "Is that so wrong?.... And that's not the only reason". He muttered

Merlin quickly told him no. I then took it upon myself to explain the next part. "Morgause not only challenged Arthur but gave him added persuasion to carry through with it by including that she once knew his mother which you already know now but she also... knows something about me Merlin." His eyes narrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I haven't told you about them or anyone up until this point for two reasons. The first being that I thought it was nothing and the second was because I didn't want to bother anyone with it." Merlin didn't speak allowing me to continue. "I've been having these nightmares since the situation with Valiant."

"Woah woah woah, nightmares? Why haven't you come to either me or Gaius we could have given you something to help?" Arthur cut him off "Let her finish Merlin".

"The nightmares have nothing to do with Valiant though Merlin. It's so odd to even be saying it aloud..." and with that slight pause I explained everything from the nightmare itself, to the involvement with Morgause and how she would hopefully be giving me answers. He still wasn't happy that I hadn't said anything earlier but thankfully understood the importance of me coming along. He wanted to the know the answers just as much as I did.

With our conversation finished we decided to put the fire out and mount the horses once again. Making our way back to the trail we rode in a single file line once again thankfully the only noise was the horses hooves rather than Merlin's voice drowning us with questions once again.

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