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Sixth Chapter

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I tried to slowly peel my eyes open, but it felt like they were sewn shut

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I tried to slowly peel my eyes open, but it felt like they were sewn shut. After a long and hard battle, I finally won and opened my eyes.

I was still drugged, I knew that much. I could feel the effects of the really bad ones that didn't put you to sleep but made you a total zombie. Everything was slow when you were put on those.

I heard the cell doors open and struggled to get out of my bed. I dragged my feet out of the cell, keeping my eyes down at the floor while walking out for breakfast. I forgot my tray at the food station and sat down without anything in front of me. No bother, I was too high to eat anyways. It didn't exactly feel bad, to be perfectly honest. Everything was slowed down, making it look like a film shot in slow-motion. There was nothing. No feelings, no emotions. I couldn't even feel the tips of my fingers.

I looked down at my hands resting on the table and started poking my thumbs with my pointing fingers. Someone sat down across from me, and I looked up to meet the hard gaze of C59. 

"How're you feeling?" he asked. I blinked incredibly slowly and wasn't sure how to talk. He pushed my forgotten tray in front of me. I looked down at it and was confused as to what I was supposed to do with it.


Someone sat down next to me, and I slowly turned my head. It was one of the other cats. He was a lot bigger than me and regarded me with a reserved look. 

"He is high as a kite," the big one said and looked over at C59. 

"Well observed," C59 growled back, his tone icy.

I looked down at my tray again and remembered the function of a spoon. I slowly wrapped my fingers around it and lifted it from the tray. I sighed loudly and looked down again. I must have looked brain-damaged or something.

"What a show yesterday, huh?" somebody behind me said. "Thanks for that, C41, we'll remember not to hurt your little feelings, or you'll just shift on us."

I think I was the only one getting called by number here. Mainly because I hadn't given my name to anybody.

"Don't you have somebody's ass you need to smell?" C59 growled back.  

"Did they give him too much catnip? He looks high as balls." 

Some clarity started to return to my head, and I clenched my fist around the spoon. I slowly turned around in my seat and faced the dog who was yelling out shit. He was a lot bigger than me, but a lot of people were. 

"Why... Don't... You come... Over... Here and say... That... Again... Bitch?" I asked, my words incredibly slurred by the drugs. The big cat next to me snorted and patted my shoulder. 

"The fuck did you just say to me?" the dog said and rose from his seat. I very slowly got on my feet too. 

"Cub, sit the fuck down," C59 said coolly.

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by Fray
C41 was taught to fight and never trust anyone but a select few. But...
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