Extra: Chapter 80 - Part 1-3

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爱屋及乌 Extra:  Love for a person extends even to the crows on his roof

Meaning: if you love any one, you will love all that belongs to him


Location: A certain province, near the city's train station, 2nd line— in a room that faced southward, measuring 25 square meters of an unknown small hotel.


A long time later, Qi Xiu Yuan would always mentioned how the first time they lived together was in a rather small and broken down place.

To say it precisely, that honestly could not be considered living together since the unwanted guest, Han Jia, hovered over them incessantly like a bulb illuminating the room.


The room was very small; the walls were covered with paint that were peeling off, the roof had water stains from leakage that were deep and shallow, and on the cracked cement floor stood only a single bed with sheets that has stains on it—which honestly—could easily lead anyone to question its harmfulness.

The bathroom was in the room, and if the door is not close tightly, the sewer-like smell would mix in with the humidity and pervade whole place. That was indeed the worst condition Qi Xiu Yuan has ever lived in his entire life.

However, there are many advantages to the room. It was situated in Province A, near the train station in an unknown small hotel: lodging did not require any legal documentation; transportation was easily accessible, which was convenience if they needed to escape right away; there were supermarkets and restaurants with everything needed available and also, adjacent was a pharmacy, making it convenience for Xiao Li to change out his medication.


At that time, they had just escaped from Sun Ze Yu and Li Shi Qing's grasp. Han Jia drove a broken down Jeep and with Susu took the two of them on an overnight journey all the way to the North. On the afternoon of the next day, they arrived at the northern side of Province A where they met up with Xiao Yang.

When a friend that Xiao Yang knew form the time he had studied abroad invited him to go work oversea, he quietly resigned his current job with the intention of taking Susu with him to a faraway country. Xiao Li has always thought he was hurting and implicating Xiao Yang, so after seeing his brother's expression for the last time, he couldn't help but felt somewhat guilty.

But contrariwise, Xiao Yang was in an extremely great mood: after all, his own brother has left the underworld. And, although the future may be hard to predict, he was nonetheless able to cast aside that huge piece of stone from his mind; then added on how Qi Xiu Yuan was reluctant to part with his sister before, worried even when he took Susu to the neighboring province—this time, because of the difficultly of their situation, he finally agreed to let Susu go abroad for the first time.

With such good deeds descending on him repeatedly, Xiao Yang only felt content as he patiently and gracefully made a promise to Qi Xiu Yuan before taking a tearful Susu on the road toward the airport in the end.

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