Chapter 28

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I try to read the article about the gala, but my eyes constantly end up looking at the picture of Loki and me. I really should put the magazine away, this is becoming a bit sadomasochistic. The picture shows a fairy tale, nothing more.

Mrs. Willow has gone back home to Mr. Whiskers, but there is someone new to keep me company. It's Chad. He takes me by surprise when he crashes down on the couch next to me. "Looking at your 15 seconds of fame, Ylva?" Chad nudges the magazine in my hands.
I quickly close the magazine, embarrassed he caught me.
"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Better," I reply. "My shoulder is still sore and I can't really use my arm much because of it, but that gets better every day."

"And the concussion?" Chad is well informed.

"Also getting better. I get tired easily, but the headaches are gone. I can't complain. It could have been way worse, you know."

He nods in consensus. "Yeah, I saw the footage on the news. If that driver had not turned the car in time there could have been casualties."

"Yes, we were very lucky."

"I guess the only casualty was that pretty dress of yours. I bet that didn't survive the trip to the hospital," Chad says, keeping it light.

"No, they cut that open because of my shoulder," I confirm. "But thanks to you I have a nice picture to remember it by. Thanks again for your card!"

"You're welcome. I had some nice shots of you, the least I could do was share one with you," he shrugs. "So, are you dating that Loki now?" he suddenly asks.

"Uh... n... no," I stutter. "We are just friends."

"Hmm..." he says, clearly not buying it. "You know, you could make a pretty penny out of that. The tabloids would have a field day with your story!"

"Chad, no! I'm not gonna sell my story to the tabloids!" I exclaim. "Are you crazy?"

He puts up his hands defensively. "Alright, alright. No need to get mad. It's just... those Asgardians really keep to themselves. Thor is the only one who is somewhat out in the open. So when that model dished about Loki being rude to her, the tabloids just ate that up. And you have an even better story!"
He is not letting it go. God, the nerve on this guy! I don't know what I ever saw in him.
"I could take some nice shots. Keep it classy, you know..." He just keeps on talking.

"Chad!" I interrupt him. "I think it's best you leave now, before I really get mad."
My voice is ice cold and so is my stare. Chad gets the message and he stands up from the couch to leave. But not before adding that I can always call him when I change my mind.

Right. Like that is gonna happen.

After Chad has left, I go back upstairs. When Lisa gets home after closing the coffee shop, she finds me in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
"Here, I'll take over. You go sit down," she says, pointing to a chair.

"I'm only making pasta," I protest. "I can handle that."

But Lisa is not having it, so I sit down. We chat about the day in the coffee shop. She asks about Chad, wondering out loud what he wanted this time.

"The usual. Starting out normal and then saying crazy stuff again," I reply. "He wanted me to sell my story to the tabloids. Even offered to make pictures."

Lisa chuckles. "He's a real paparazzi now, huh?"

"I guess," I shrug.

"Well, it is a crazy story, I give him that," Lisa says. "A prince, a gala, a rocket, helicopters, an explosion. Even superheroes!"

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