Moving in

830 12 16

Kathy POV

"Hey you two, how'd the appointment go," I asked "It went great, Oh yea did you know Melissa is in London," Draco said "That little bitch," I said anger rising in my voice "Kat lets not lose our shit" Draco said "I'm not losing my shit, I'm just pissed on why the hell shes here and when she had the time to go to Med school" I said still pretty pissed "so you and Melissa are sisters" Hermione asked sitting down next to me "Yes and we never really loved each other" I said thinking back to our childhood.

~~ Flashback~~

"Mel slow down your gonna get lost and then mom and dad are gonna be really mad at me" I said yelling onto the forest Melissa just ran into "Come on Kat were gonna be fine I know where I'm going" She yelled back then disappeared "MEL MELISSA MEL, this isn't funny come back " I yelled and then started walking next thing I heard where screams "MELISSA" I screamed and started running. she was on the ground bleeding then I saw a shadow run away "Mel wake up Mel please" I cried more like sobbed "He-he ran that way, take the" Mel tried to say but started coughing "the wand and go to papa" Melissa said "No no I'm not leaving you I-I can't lose you, Melissa your my sister my best friend" I sobbed holing her close to my chest "Was hast du getan, was hab ich dir schon millionenfach gesagt? Ich habe dir gesagt, dass du nicht in den Wald kommen sollst und nun schau, was passiert ist" My father yelled at me "Papa bitte ich hab ihr gesagt sie sollte nicht hier kommen aber sie hat" I cried back. My father carried her back to the house. Mama was sobbing at her bedside Papa couldn't look at me they all thought it was my fault that I told her to into the forest. After she woke up Papa told her that is was my fault she was almost killed and everything changed after that Mel never talked to me Mama and Papa hated me and I felt like I lost me, sister.

~~ End Of Flashback~~

"I never hated you I just didn't remember" Melissa said coming out of the fireplace "Melissa what are you doing here" I asked getting up from the couch "I am here because papa wanted me to tell you he needs you back in New York and since he isn't allowed to leave the Manor for the rest of his life due his involvement in the war he asked me to tell you" She said looking very annoyed "He could have called you owled me" I said looking at her "He could have" She said walking away to the kitchen "Yes please walk into my apartment and make yourself at home" I said. " Auntie Mel" Iris said walking out of her room "Hey sweetie, how have you been" She asked picking her up off the ground hugging her "I'm good, Mommy are we going to New York to see grandpa" She asked looking at me "I-I don't know sweet heart maybe" I said smiling "Ok" Iris said frowning "How about we call grandpa and see if we can fly in on Saturday" I said smiling "Ok can we call him now" Iris said her whole face lighting up "Maybe your Aunt can stay after dinner and we all can call him ok" I said looking over at Mel "Yeah that'd be great" She said smiling "Ok so then what the hell am I supposed to do pick up extra shifts to cover your ass while your gone" Draco said speaking up "I'll get it sorted out ok Draco" I said turning to look at him. "Hermione how was the appointment" I ask "I was good, I think Draco actually cried" Hermione said laughing a little "I did not cry" Draco said back "Whatever you say Draki" Hermione said laughing soon enough we were all laughing.

It was after dinner Draco and Hermione stayed then Draco left to go back to his place. "I'm gonna go to bed I'll see you tomorrow, Goodnight" Hermione said getting up "Goodnight 'Mione" Iris said hugging her "Goodnight Sweetie" She said hugging back. "Soo are we gonna call Papa or not" Melissa said sounding annoyed "Yes, but answer me this" I said "Ok..." She said rolling her eyes "How well do you remember that day" I asked "I remember running into the forest Papa never told us to go into because of dangers and then getting lost and someone coming out of nowhere and hitting me with a curse" Mel said her eyes tearing up "I never hated you but Papa and Mama made me I guess it gave them another reason to make me the perfect child" Mel said hugging me "So you telling me that-" "Yes I am saying your my sister and whatever shit we went though I would always be there anyway I could even if it was hard to see" Melissa said tear building up in both of our eyes "That's all needed to hear Mel I love you" I said pulling her in for a hug "I love you to Katerina" Mel said hugging back "Well nice to hear both of y daughters heart felt moment but Katerina I need you here by Saturday, Goodnight" My father said hanging up "Iris what did you do" I said looking at my daughter "I-I.. you said I could call Grandpa and I did, Mommy I'm sorry" Iris whined "Its ok sweet heart, Now say good night to your Aunt and off to bed its nine o'clock" I said getting up to say good bye to my sister. "I'll see you on Saturday." I walked Mel out then sent Iris to bed.

Draco POV

I can't sleep wondering what Hermione is up to wondering what i'll miss I already missed the babies first kick. I just don't know how i'll tell her they like living together and Iris loves it too but I love her and I want her to wake up next to me and fall asleep next to me in my arms. I heard the fire place and jumped out of bed with my wand in hand "Hello who's there" I whispered into the darkness of my apartment "Dr-Draco is that you." I knew that voice it was Hermione's "Hermione it's the middle of the night what are you doing here is everything alri-" I was cut off by Hermione kissing me "No no I'm not ok I miss you and I can't sleep cause the nightmares come and ever since we started dating there worse I'm to afraid of loosing you Draco, I love you much to loose you" Hermione said crying into my shoulders " 'Mione look at me, I'm not going anywhere ok not ever ok. Stay with me tonight and you'll move in tomorrow your not spending another night away from me ok" I said kissing her forehead. I carried her to bed and wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep finally "I love you Hermione Jean Granger and that's never going to change" I whispered before falling asleep.

~~ Authors Note ~~

I know I put German dialogue in the chapter I've been meaning to for awhile but idk how soo just put it though google translate and you'll get it

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