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4; the one where Ross screwed it up.

4; the one where Ross screwed it up

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"Ross kissed me", Rachel smiled.

"No!", Phoebe exclaims happily.

"Oh my God!", Monica and Alycia exclamied sortly after.

"It was unvelievable!"

"You have to tell us everything!", Alycia pointed at Rachel.

"Monica, get the wine and unplug the phone", Phoebe stood up from the couch. "Rachel, does this end well or we're gonna need tissues?"

"Oh, it ended very well".

"Do not start without me!", Monica shouts as she's rushing back in the living room with the wine and the glasses.

"Let's start with the kiss. Was it like a soft brush against your lips, or was it like a I want to have you now kind of thing?"

"At first it was really intense, you know? And then...Oh God, and then we just sunk into it".

"Oh my God", Alycia said just by imagining the feeling. "Okay, how was he holding you when it happened?"

"First his hands were on my waist, and then they slid up and went over my hair", she explained.

"Oh!", the three girls let out a sigh at the description.


Alycia went shopping on her own the next morning and surprisingly enough she bumped into Julie on her way to the Central Perk where Alycia was gonna meet her friends. She wondered just how awkward it would be now that she's heading with Julie, especially after the kiss between Ross and Rachel.

"Hi, guys", Alycia entered the coffee shop.

"Hi, Alycia", Ross said. "Julie! Hi! How are you?", he quickly added after he noticed her there too.

"Good. I bumped into Alycia on my way here so we decided to walk together", she explains with a smile as she's walking closer to him.

"Great, everybody is here now!", Ross said with a very awkward smile.

Alycia sat on the couch, trying so desperately to ignore how awkward the whole situation was.

"Weren't you gonna play something, Phoebe?", Ross asked after a few seconds to avoid the uncomfortable silence.


"Play", he cuts her off.

Phoebe walked over the microphone and sat down in front of it with her guitar. "Okay, so this is a song about a love tiangle between three people that I made up".

"Oh God", Alycia muttered as she rested her head on Joey's shoulder.

"It's called: Two of them kissed last night".

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