CHAPTER 13 * Torture device *

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"Victoria, wake up."

I just fell asleep.

"Five more minutes Nessa," I whined.


Wait, that isn't Nessa.

I opened my eyes and all I could see was black. I blinked and noticed that someone was standing in my line of view wearing black. This person was male.


I looked up and confirmed my suspicions. He stepped back and I sat up. I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes with my palms before looking at him properly. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt and black pants with accompanying trainers. I must admit, this was a good sight to wake up to. This clothing fit him perfectly. It showed of his lean and toned upper body. I could tell that his legs were just as toned. He wasn't too bulky either, just right.

"What time is it? It feels like I just lay down."

I stretched a little and felt an ache on my entire left side.

"5 AM," he said.

"Isn't that a little too early to be awake? And I thought time worked differently in space." I have yawned a little, not making any move to get out of bed.

"You thought wrong. We follow Thanzorian time."

"That's what I meant. Don't you Thanzorians have like, more hours in the day or something?"

"We have the same number of hours in the day as Earth. I shall answer no more questions until it is time to. Now get up and go shower. Morning meal time begins in thirty minutes. You should be in the kitchen and in your training attire by then."

Why do I not like the sound of that? Oh, that's right, he said training, which requires more movement and sweating than necessary.

"Am I a part of your army now? Is that why you abducted so many girls? So we could fight off an enemy on your behalf because you're too scared?" I regretted saying those mocking words as soon as they left my mouth.

I could literally feel his anger. "You think we would stoop so low as to use helpless teenage girls to fight off a non-existent enemy on our behalf? We are not Earthians! We are Thanzorians! And Thanzorians do not use or cower behind others. Now get up and go shower! You can keep your nonsense to yourself." I recoiled from him.

He hadn't shouted, but his voice was raised and filled with rage. It was scary. Somehow, I knew that he would be getting angry with me a lot.

If I wasn't being trained to be part of an army, what the hell was I training for?

He stormed out of the apartment and left me sitting there. I knew I had to get moving if I didn't want to face his wrath again. I got up and got into the bathroom quicker than I thought I could. I went to my sink and took a vial of teeth cleaning fluid.

Seriously, they have all this amazing stuff and yet they can't come up with better names for them?

I gurgled it and swirled it around in my mouth. I thought it would feel and taste like mouthwash, but it just tasted and felt like bubbly, minty water. I took longer than I normally would with normal mouthwash because I wasn't sure if it was working. After having it in my mouth for as long as I could without wasting too much of the half hour I was given, I spat it out. It came out a different colour from when I put it into my mouth. It was slightly green before I put it in my mouth, but it came out brown.

I guess that means it worked...right?

I had no time to think about it. As I was about to undress, I remembered that there were no towels. I quickly rushed to the closet and went to the last drawer from the door and grabbed my training attire. They all looked the same so I just grabbed the first thing my hands came into contact with. I rushed back to the bathroom and was in and out of the shower in record time.

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