CHAPTER 31 * His highness?!?

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Bulba had come earlier and taken off the gel. Walking afterwards with that leg felt weird in the beginning. So, for the following week, Xeris helped me strengthen it with targeted exercises while incorporating other body exercises as well. The entire time during our exercise sessions, I found myself staring at him more and more or holding his gaze for longer than necessary.

Whenever he touched me, my heart would beat a little faster, my breath would be a little shallower. I honestly couldn't control these reactions, no matter how hard I tried. He continued teaching about random things, and I continued enjoying the lessons. I was happy that he stayed with me during this duration and wasn't pulled away to work. I wasn't even sure what work he did.

When I finally asked, he told me that he had to make sure everything on this operation ran smoothly. So, whenever he left, he did routine check-ups at the different posts on the ship. He hadn't even visited all the sectioned off areas designated for the men and their charges due to the considerable number of participants.

It was finally time for him to take me with him out of the apartment. I was feeling both excited and nervous. I didn't know what the outside of this apartment looked like. He picked out my day wear for me. Unlike the usual day wear, this looked a little more formal. It still looked elegant. It was all black and I liked how it shaped me. For my hair, I still did my two braids, except I left a few curly strands out front to soften my features. I also loosened the braids instead of braiding them so close to my scalp. I used two bands to tie them off at the end with curly tips peeking out.

The reason I put in so much effort was because I was trying to look good for Xeris. I didn't want to embarrass him because he had told me that he was quite an influential person on this ship. I sat down in the closet, on the cushion, and pulled on my boots. These too were different because they had heels. They looked really cool. They weren't too high to make me uncomfortable or too low to look old fashioned. They were just right.

I stood up and tightened the belt around my waist a little more. Once done I looked at my reflection. A smile escaped. I looked different. I looked like someone in a high position, someone to be respected. I looked confident, I felt it too. My skin looked flawless, not a blemish or pimple in sight. My eyes seemed to be almost glowing. They had gotten much lighter and now looked almost golden; they were a honey brown. I pulled the ends of my hair in front of me and they fell to below my breasts.

As I stared at my reflection, Xeris walked in and our eyes met in the mirror. I looked up and saw that he was in his more formal day wear as well. He came and stood behind me. He placed something on my right temple, and it changed to match the colour of my skin. I couldn't even see it anymore.

"That allows you to communicate with anyone on the ship. You just need to purposefully think of who you want to talk to before tapping your temple and when that person accepts your request, you will be able to see them before your eyes. Only you will be able to see them. Give it a try, think of talking to me." he said.

I thought of him and tapped my temple. Immediately, his figure from the shoulders upwards, appeared before my eyes. I could still see around me as his image was a little transparent.

"Cool," I uttered.

He grabbed my left wrist in his much larger hand and again, my heart rate spiked a little. I swallowed as he put the time teller on and watched the bands wrap around my wrist.

His hand lingered a little longer on my wrist before letting go. I looked up at him. Even though I was wearing heeled shoes, he was still taller than me by half a head.

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now