No Trailer #6?

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I know half of you guys don't even read the trailer chapters (which are my personal favourites to write), but this time around, no snippets and witty sentences to trick and hype readers. I'll tell you why.

Back in January, as I was editing the first draft of Chapter 1 into the chapter it is today, I thought of a great opportunity just minutes before publishing. What if I added some subtle foreshadowing to the story?

And I did. It is there, right between those lines. Hoseok's thoughts as a game master are mine as an author (not the kinky dungeon line don't worry).

"Nobody can predict where this ends. But I hope they'll like it."
That is all the information I can give you about the epilogue.


To all of you beautiful sweethearts reading this on the 11th of March when I publish this:
Pretty please, google Yahoo Japan. It will be the very first suggestion. Type "3.11" into the search bar and press search. It doesn't take more than half a minute, and it's not a problem if you don't speak Japanese at all. I can't speak it very well either. You don't need to do anything other than just searching for this.
For those of you who wants an explanation as to why I'm asking you this, on this very day seven years ago, an earthquake struck Touhoku region, causing a large amount of damage for the people both physically and mentally. With each search, Yahoo will donate 10 yen for the cause, as even all these years later, there are still people in need of help. If you have internet on your hands, please do this for them, even if just once. Please and thank you very much.
~ Reika

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