Levels Of Allism

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High Functioning Allism: Individuals with high-functioning allism have the ability to socialize without eye-contact, and might even be capable of practicing some discreet self-stimulatory behaviors. Little to no small talk occurs, and people with this form of allism may even have an area of special interest or hyperfixation. People with high-functioning allism can lead normal, autistic lives if given strict education and intense behavioral therapy.

PDT-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Typicality-Not Otherwise Specified): People with PDT-NOS develop almost completely neurotypically, and may lack the ability to do normal things like stim or perseverate. Pervasive Developmental Typicality is the diagnosis for people who are on the allistic spectrum but do not meet the full criteria for an Allistic Spectrum Disorder such as high-functioning allism or allistic disorder. People with PDT-NOS may have some but not all characteristics of allism or have mild symptoms. For example, a person with PDT-NOS may have social obsession, but no non-passionate and unfocused interests. Just like any other form of allism, when working with children who have PDT-NOS, EARLY INTERVENTION IS KEY!

Allistic Disorder: Otherwise known as classic allism, this severe form of allism may bring suffering to the whole family if not efficiently treated. People with allistic disorder rely on their mouths for everything, and lack the ability to communicate using alternative and augmentative communication. Quite strangely, they are dependent on their mouths, but often lack the ability to engage in echolalia and verbal stimming. People who suffer from allistic disorder are hopelessly undersensitive to sensory input in their environment. They are immune to lights, sounds, tastes, smells, textures, proprioceptive input, and vestibular input around them, and rarely experience meltdown or sensory overload.

Extremely Severe Forms of Allism

Neurotypicality: People with neurotypicality not only tragically lack autism, but tragically lack all other neurodivergences as well. People with neurotypicality suffer from AECD (Attention Efficient Calmness Disorder) (also known as the tragic lack of ADHD), Up's Syndrome (also known as the tragic lack of Down's Syndrome), the tragic lack of sensory processing disorder, the tragic lack of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the tragic lack of mental illness, the tragic lack of learning/intellectual disabilities, and more.

Ableism: The most severe form

People who suffer from allism and neurotypicality are prone to suffering from the debilitating condition known as ableism as well. Ableism is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by twisted ideas that normal people are worth less than people with neurotypicality, and that just because allism is the neuromajority, people with allism are superior to normal people. Just as there are multiple forms of allism, there are many forms of ableism as well.

Forms of Ableism

AMPD (Autism Martyr Parent Disorder) People with this form of ableism have a normal autistic child, and view their own child as a chance to gain money, fame, and pity. Their severe bluntness can make them say Whether they're making YouTube videos of their child having a meltdown to 'raise awareness', bitching about their child in public Facebook groups, sharing personal information about their child in a book without their consent, these people should get immediate applied behavioral analysis to learn how to treat their children right.

UAD (Unintentional Ableist Disorder): People with this form of ableism don't have ableism on purpose, they are 'accidentally' ableist. Whether they're saying the r-word without being aware of its true meaning or donating to organizations run by people with ableism such as Autism Speaks without knowing its true values, this form of ableism will be easy to cure.

SD (Slur Disorder) People with SD frequently use ableist slurs to describe disabled people, such as calling an intellectually disabled person "r*tarded" or calling a mentally ill person "crazy". Unlike people with UAD, people with SD know the damage they are doing by using these slurs, and use them purposely to harm disabled people just for the fun of it.

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