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when shawn and i finished our breakfast, i called aaliyah and put her on speaker.

she answered the phone with a very excited voice, "hello!"

"hey!" i said, dragging out the 'ey' at the end.

"wow, you finally have time for me today? oh, wait, you probably got tired of peter raul!" she said somewhat sarcastically, "let me guess, he started singing the muffin man song to you!"

i started laughing.

"shut up, aaliyah!" shawn screamed.

"one: you didn't want to go to the gym when shawn and i invited you last night. two: breakfast was last minute," i said before looking at shawn confused, "three: peter raul?"

"my full name is shawn peter raul mendes," shawn said, answering my question.

"how about instead of that, it can be shawn peter pan mendes," i said with a serious expression.

he rolled his eyes while laughing, "whatever,"

"everything you said is true," aaliyah said, "anyways, what's up?"

shawn cleared his throat, "get ready to leave the house. we're taking cassie to the cn tower,"

"okay, i'll see you two in a bit," aaliyah said, "you better not forget me!"

"no promises, bye!" both shawn and i said.

shawn said his parents weren't home since they went with their friends, so we didn't have to get down and say hi.

once we arrived at the mendes' house, shawn honked the horn to let aaliyah know we were there. that caused me to jump since i got scared, and that made shawn laugh.

aaliyah quickly exited the house with her hands full. she was holding a backpack, a purse, and a camera bag.

shawn made a confused face, "what the fuck do you need all this shit for?"

aaliyah shook her head, "why do you care?"

i knew aaliyah would respond to me if i asked, so just to mess with shawn, i repeated what he asked, "what do you need all this shit for?"

"well, it's all the essentials," she said, "and the camera is for good instagrams,"

"i swear," shawn said while leaning his head on the seat, "i hope i have the patience to deal with you two together today,"

aaliyah flipped her hair, "whatever!"

the drive to the cn tower was interesting, to say the least. i was on aux so i decided to mess with shawn and play his songs the whole way there. he had an ep, so i played those songs on repeat. he would tell me to turn them off, but of course, i didn't listen. classic me in action.

when we arrived at the cn tower, i was amazed, the view was incredible. when we made our way to the entrance of the tower, shawn kept an arm on my lower back in order to i guess, 'guide me'.

i tried my very best to contain myself.

the elevator ride took a while since we were going all the way to the top. once we got to the top, i made my way out of the elevator and the view got even more amazing if possible.



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