Ch. 6

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"Oh my God! Beth!" Tim exclaimed in horror, watching as the paramedics began intubate his girlfriend. Tony had to physically restrain him to keep him out of the paramedics way while they worked on the injured woman.

"Ok, good breath sounds. We need to get her hooked up to the resuscitator," the dark haired paramedic said, breathing a sigh of relief as he hooked up oxygen to help the young woman breathe. He and his partner quickly began patching Beth up to stop the bleeding so they could transport her to the hospital.

"Is she going to be okay?" Gibbs asked, the question that was on all their minds.

"Its touch and go right now, so I can't really give you an answer. We have to go, now," the paramedic responded as they loaded Beth into the back of the ambulance.

"Boss? I need to go with her," Tim said, looking over at Gibbs. To him, Tim looked like a lost puppy, not sure of where to go or what to do.

"Go, we'll be behind you," Gibbs replied, propelling the young agent over to the ambulance. Gibbs sat him down in the front seat and closed the door as one of the paramedics slammed shut the rear doors and went to the driver's side. A moment later, the emergency vehicle sped away, sirens blaring and lights flashing.

Tony and Ziva were already in the car when Gibbs jogged back and got in. They were on the road a moment later. The silence was almost unbearable as Gibbs raced to the hospital, trying to stay behind the ambulance the whole way.

Anger was radiating off the three of them. Ziva was the first to break the silence. "If I get my hands on him..." She couldn't continue her thought, as it was too much for her.

"I know Ziva, I know," Gibbs replied, the tires squealing as he entered the parking lot at the hospital. The car was barely in park when Tony and Ziva jumped out, followed by Gibbs a moment later.

They hurried into the emergency entrance of the hospital, changing directions when they saw McGee standing near the entrance to the trauma rooms. He was staring at the doors, willing them to open so he could find out about Beth. His green eyes were beginning to cloud over with rage and worry. He could still feel the stickiness of Beth's blood on his hands as he unconsciously clenched his fists.


Tim jumped, unaware that his co-workers had reached the hospital so quickly and were standing next to him. Gibbs and Tony steered the distraught agent to the closest chair, forcing him to sit.

"He's dead when I get a hold of him," Tim said softly, so softly that the others weren't sure they heard right.

"Did they tell you anything yet?" Ziva asked sitting next to Tim.

He shook his head no before dropping his head into his hands. "They just rushed her in there. She went into cardiac arrest once we got here." An anguished sob escaped his throat as the tears fell freely. "I can't lose her! I just can't!"

Gibbs kneeled in front of the agitated agent. "Tim! Look at me!" Tim looked up, tears still falling as Gibbs continued, "We are going to catch that son of a bitch. You hear me? We are going to catch him!"

A moment later, Tim's phone rang. He pulled it out of his coat pocket, anger clouding his face when he saw who was calling. "Who is it McGee?" Tony asked, his brows furrowing in suspicion.

"Its him. Its Matt," Tim replied as Gibbs snatched the phone out his hand and answered it.

"You son of a bitch," Gibbs spat out, hatred in his voice as he stood and began to pace.

"Ah, Agent Gibbs. I was hoping to talk to my friend Tim."

"Not on your life you bastard. What do you want?" Gibbs asked, pacing the waiting room. He noticed that his team was watching his every move.

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