Part 4

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I had no chance to fall asleep at all- at least that was what I thought, but I was wrong about this as well.

The scent of delicious food woke me up and I thought for a moment that I was at home – safe and sound.

- Did you have a good night sleep Hailey?

My stomach twitched as I realized the truth that I am no longer in the camp and I am in no safe place. I really wanted to drown in the duvet, but it was an impossible death.

- Of course Riley, everything is fine- I answered carefully. I've been enjoying his hospitality for two days constantly looking for the way out.

He was not ordinary cold-blooded murderer, because I've already seen many of them. I felt deep fear in my gut.

He acted like a schizophrenic. There was a gentle Riley, who provided me with comfort, food and clean clothes. He even prepared a hot tub for me and brought me some extra blanket to not to freeze. And there was the less pleasant one, who kept on nagging me. Sometimes harshly, sometimes more nicely. On the top of it, there was no way to get rid of his awful smile.

By the way, the knife...

My sole weapon was taken from me when we stumbled into one another, so I had no chance to cause any damage.

This was the topic of our very first debate.

I was just sitting on the couch and trying to figure out which Riley I was talking to, while he was examining the knife.

- That is a neat bowie-knife. You cannot get this kind in a second-hand army shop- he made a remark. It definitely got onto thin ice.

- Moreover...There is a name on it. It is engraved in the blade. Don't you want talk a little bit about that?

Of course, I didn't want to talk about this, let alone anything else, but I had no choice.

- I got hold of this knife in the camp.

And I knew this information was not going to be enough.

- You mean stealing? - He stepped in front of me, playing with my knife and continued his thoughts- No. I would never assume that a skinny little bird like you can steal from a silencer. I was shivering. He knew who the knife belonged to and I was still horrible at lying.
- I did not steal anything, Serena gave it to me.

I guess he didn't expect this, so he froze and let go of the knife.
- I hate liars. Don't try to test me!
He got very angry, which made me more confused.

- Ridley, believe me, I did not steel from Serena. She was my friend, my sole friend and she had given it as a present before leaving.

I reached the point, where there was no turn back. He slapped me out of knowhere and squeezed my throat with his right hand while holding the blade to my throat with his left.
- Don't lie to me, you son of a bitch! Serena Ryden was one of the fiercest Silencers and she hated human kind and would have killed you without any hesitation.
I was shivering and angry az the same time. I knew he was not right and I never let anyone accuse those who are not even there to protect themselves.

- You know nothing about Serena or me, you delusional piece of shit – I sputtered into his face. This made him more angry. He grabbed my hair and tossed me to the couch. I knew what he had been preparing for, since I kept a close eye on his movements, which told him to calm down and become fully-concentrated. I would be so happy to laugh in your face. Just keep on trying, you fool.

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