Part 6

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Three days passed without any news. Riley was in a particularly good mood and did not make a fuss about the night time wake up.

After breakfast, he headed to the kitchen and I followed him. I sat down by the windowsill and covered myself with a blanket as a followed his every move during the preparation of breakfast.

It was utterly unbelievable how well he could manage everything. He is the one who survives everything.

- I'd like to continue your story from the point of getting into the camp.
He turned to me unexpectedly.

- Can I have a bath first? - please!- I added quickly.
- Of course, sweetheart. I prepare some warm bath for you - he answered in mild voice.

The bathroom was in an untouched condition. Riley confessed that he loved order and cleanness. It is true for him and for his environment as well- unluckily his mental balance was not so stable.
He would have helped me with taking bath as well, but I did not ask for his contribution to this activity.

Finally, I was alone and I got into the tub. The warm water burnt my skin and the wounds hurt as well, but I enjoyed being clean. I was striving for that feeling. The feeling the my subconscious is getting rid of Riley.

I did not dare to relax long and I had some bad bathtub related memories as well.

I was planning to put on some dress quickly, when I spotted myself in the mirror.
There was a gigantic mirror that made every part of body visible. I wanted to break into pieces. Not as if it had helped anything at all.

My condition became visible. Not too visible, just a little bump that was nowhere before. I could keep it as a secret so far, but now I cannot. Other women would scream from job, I would do it out of embarrassment. If Riley spots it - and he will, he will definitely take care of both of us. His aggression would be fuelled by this information.

I rapidly put the clothes on my body and truly hoped that the sweater I found will hind my little secret.

Two minutes later I was again in the kitchen and was about the get back to my little spot, when Riley unexpectedly attacked me.

In one moment, he was by the counter, in the next one he was next to me. He unwrapped my arm and started to scrutinize my wounds. He was quite satisfied. Then he started to touch my face.

- I should not have done hit your face as well.

I had no idea what to say and it seemed that he does not even require any answer. He pushed his facet o mine and touched my hair while smelling it a bit.

I felt great disgust when he did this. This was the biggest depth of my intimacy. It was way worse than last time when he made me undress myself in front of him. It would even have been better if he had hit me. He does not know anything about my memories and explicitly made fun of them...those that I insisted the most to.

- You are very silent.

Of course...I deeply in my thoughts about grabbing a knife from the table and stab you in the face...are you willing to die? Because I am not even sure that it's going to be enough for you.

- I was thinking about my life.
- That's a wonderful topic, share it with me! - He returned to the other side of the counter in full excitement.

I had to fulfil his wishes. Just like in the tales of One thousand and One nights. If I can draw his attention, he might not hurt me during that time.

- Could you get into the camp easily? - he jumped in the middle of the topic.
- There was no problem with it; I was already sitting on the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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