Chapter 1 The Nerd

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Main Characters
Noah-The Need-Boy
Noah's Mom- Hazel-girl
Noah's Dad-Samual or Sam-boy
Noah's dog-Shadow-boy
Noah's parents dog-Chance-boy
Sebastian-Noah's friend-boy
Mr. Simon-Their Nurse-boy

Dear Jounal,
Today was horrible but that's normal now, I guess. But, I'm ok. I will always be okay no matter how bad things get. I got beat up, again, at school of course... my mom and Dad are fighting, like normal, trying to figure out how to fix it, again, and I hope they know there is nothing they can do or say to make any of it better. I just want this to all go away. The blood, the bruises, the fighting, the feeling of that I'm always in trouble when I did nothing but walk in the hallways and be myself. Unfortunately we have been fighting with the school for years about the same kids and the same situation that keep happening. Just because I am gay... like honestly! I'm just tired of the same routine everyday and I'm tired of hearing the same thing. "Oh we can only suspend them for a few days." And I am so sick and tired of having blood drip everywhere. But you know what I am really sick of? Having the place where I love and feel like my home become my worst enemy, school. I used to love being at school. Seeing my friends, making new ones, helping my teachers, and being the perfect, or as perfect aa I can, Straight A student. I am still a Straight A student and the most loved by all the teachers... but I just feel so unsafe there and it's still surreal to me. But as I look at the clock and it's almost midnight night, meaning that I have to wake up at 7am and do this all over again tomorrow. So to be prepared as well as I can I'm going to go to bed, night.
                                        ~Noah 10-17

At 6:30AM Noah woke up on his own and looked at the time. He sighed as he looked it. That read 6:30 AM  on it. He sighed gently and smiles at it. "Well good morning clock." He looked around his  bedroom and realized that it was still dark. "Hello darkness." He said with a half smile on his face. As he looked down on his bed he saw this black fluffy thing on it. He jumped lightly until it made a soft snoring noise.

Noah got closer to it and saw his dog on his bed. "Oh hey buddy I didn't see you or feel you there. Heck, I don't even think I heard you come into the room." He giggles and pets his dog lightly. "Good morning my little shadow." Shadow perked his ears up slightly and Noah laid down next to him and he gently licked Noah's face. Noah just giggled more as he gently cuddles him while petting him. "Come on Shadow. Let's go get something to eat then I'll take you out. How does that sound?"

He just grunted in return and got off his bed, waiting for Noah to make the first step. Noah smiles and grabbed the leash that was on his bed and walked to the bathroom. "Hang on buddy." He walked in and did whatever he had to do and Shadow just waited for him by laying down near the door. After he was done he opened the door and walked into the kitchen. When he got in their he saw his parents dog laying on the floor not looking very well. "Hey Chance." He laid down next to him to see what was wrong.

After about ten minutes of checking him out and seeing nothing is wrong he runs upstairs to his parents room. "Mom dad. Can you two please get up." Noah's mom, Hazel gets up. "Noah honey it's 6:40AM. What's wr-" before she can finish her sentence Noah cuts her off. "It's Chance mom he isn't doing well." Her eyes get wide and pushes her husband. "Sam, babe. Wake up!" He wakes up in startled by his wife and son. "What is going on at 6:41 in the god damn morn-"

Before he can finish both his wife and son cut him off. "Chance. Something is wrong with Chance." He got out of bed and ran downstairs. His wife running with him and Noah trailing behind him. "Noah call the vet, please." Noah nods and gets his phone out of his pocket and looks for the vets phone number. Once he found the number he calls the vet. After about five minutes he hangs up and looks at his parents. "He will be here in two minutes. In the meantime I'm going to feed Shadow and get breakfast around."

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