Chapter 6 Biological Family

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Sebastian's mom's biological house. Thank you all so much for the love and support of this book. Now let's jump back into it😘

Important Characters
Noah-The Nerd-boy
Noah's dog-Shadow-boy
Noah's now dog-Chance-boy
Sebastian-Noah's best friend boyfriend-boy
Sebastian's mom-Gabriella-girl
Sebastians grandma-Jimena- girl
Sebastian's Grandpa-Armando-boy
Sebastian's sibling-Gabriel-non binary
Sebastian sibling-Benjamin-boy
Sebastian's sibling-Parker/Parkalette-G.F (gender fluid)
Sebastian's sibling-Alexander-boy
Sebastian's sibling-Anastasia-girl
Sebastian's sibling-Jasmine-girl

Gabriella helps Noah get into the car. Noah gets in and lays down in the back seat. She drives for thirty minutes until she gets to the house. Once she gets there she pulls into the driveway and looks at Noah. "Hey sweetheart just to let you know we are here." Noah nods as he sits up and yawns cutely. "Okay." He looks out the window and at the house. "Wow I keep on forgetting how beautiful it is." She smiles and blushes. "Thank you. Sebastian's father and I fell in love with it when we first looked at it many years ago." She looks at Noah. "Are you ready to go inside?"

Noah nods. "Yes I am and you told me this story before I think." He giggles and Gabriella giggles with him. She helps him out of the car and into the house. "Okay, I go you." Noah nods and leans on you a little as he goes into the house. "Sebastian's room is still upstairs right?" She nods. "Yes, but I don't feel comfortable enough helping you up the stairs so I'll put you down on the couch, is that okay?" Noah nods. "Yeah your couch is comfortable." She walks him over to the couch and sits him down. "Can I get you anything?" Noah nods. "What do you have?" She goes to the fridge and writes down what she has. She brings it back the list and Noah circles what he wants. "Here you go. Thank you."

She smiles and goes to the kitchen and grabs what he wants. When she finds everything she brings it all to Noah. "Here you go sweetheart." He smiles and takes it all from her. "Thank you." She smiles and kisses his head. "I have to go check up on Alex I'll be back okay?" He nods and she goes upstairs. While she is upstairs Jimena walks out of her bedroom. She is wearing a green dress which looked really good with her light brown skin and brown eyes. "Hey Jimena." She jumps and looks at Noah who is still laying on the couch. "Hi sweetheart. It's been awhile sense any of us have seen you. How have you been?"

Noah smiles while looking at her. "Things have been well... interesting. A few kids in a gang fought me at school, Sebastian saved me, cops where called, they are now in jail. My parents got into legal trouble so they are in jail, stayed with my uncle and aunt, and now they are being held in a jail cell until I can go to court and give my statements. They wanna try to do it all in one day which I have no idea if it's legal or not. I have no idea how everything will play out." She smiles at him. "Do you mind if I sit down next to you?"

Noah shakes his head and she sits down in the chair next to him. "Noah you have suffered a lot. Don't you want all of this to just go away even if it takes a whole day whether or not it is illegal or legal?" Noah tilts his head. "I want to do legally." He sighs while he look at her. "You know what I mean?" She nods as she looks at him. "I do yes, very much so." Sebastian walks into the house with a smile on his face. "Hey Noah, hey grandma." She smiles and looks at Sebastian. "Hey honey. I'm glad you're home." Sebastian nods. "It's honestly nice to be home." He smiles and let's the dogs off the leash. "It's nice to be home." He says with a soft smile.

She awes when she sees the puppies. Noah looks at her confused until he gets the biggest welcome home jump on him by Shadow. Noah gets the brightest smile on his face as. Shadow lays on top of him and licks his face softly. "Hey bud." Noah says while giggling and rubs his back. As soon as Chance heard him talk he ran over to him and laid down next to him on the couch. Noah giggles as he looks at the two dogs. "I missed you guys too." Sebastian giggles. "I see how it is. I'm chopped up liver." Noah giggles. "I miss you too sweetheart. So how is the house?" Sebastian shrugs. "It's okay. It's weird walking in and not seeing both your parents in the living room watching tv and you in the kitchen making a sandwich."

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