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She sat in her car, outside of the address on the paper. The green costume she wore highlighted every curve perfectly. It was the perfect outfit to catch everyone's attention. If there was one thing Cheryl Blossom did perfectly, it was draw attention to herself. She checked her lipstick in the mirror and pushed her hair behind her shoulder. Opening the door, she stepped out onto the pavement. 

Inside was a mob of drunken teenagers dancing, making out, or both. She sighed and walked over to the bowl of punch. She smelled the punch, and wrinkled her nose in disgust.  She took a glass anyways. 

Just as she thought, every time she walked by, eyes would be on her. She wandered outside to find a keg stand happening. She didn't exactly know who was the one attempting, but she had a feeling it was not going to be someone she was interested. Everyone around her was cheering, and the loud noises sent her into a mild fit of rage. But she didn't lash out, for she didn't want to interrupt the person. 

As soon as she saw the blonde mullet, she recognized exactly who this was. She rolled her eyes. Of course Billy Hargrove was the one doing the keg stand. She pursed her lips into a frown. As soon as he was done, he grabbed a cigarette and took a smoke. His eyes rested on the redhead and he smirked. Right next to him, his buddy yelled "We got ourselves a new keg king." He walked in her direction, and she tried hard to avert her gaze from his six pack. As he passed her, he said in almost a whisper, as if he was taunting her. "Like what you see?" The words sent a chill down her spine. He chuckled, and walked away. "That's how you do it, Hawkins." 

She took a sip of her drink. She was not going to let some smug asshole ruin her night. She walked over to a quieter part of the yard and sighed. She went to take another sip, but she noticed that the red solo cup was empty. She moved her hair to the other side of her head and walked back inside to refill. 

She dodged through the crowd of intoxicated teenagers. She scoffed at the recklessness of everything. She filled up her cup and just stood there, drinking and watching. Eventually, she could feel her words slurring, but she had been drunk before. She decided that she would rather be home than at a party. She threw the cup down and walked out, frustrated.

She got to her car to find that Billy was standing right near it. "Nice car, Cheryl." She rolled her eyes and walked up to him. "Why are you near my car? It's like you're following me." He shook his head. "Just admiring your car." She narrowed her eyes. She knew he was not telling the truth. "Luckily for you, I have somewhere to be. Now get out of my way." She walked around him and opened her door. He opened the other door and sat next to her. She sighed. "What are you doing?" He looked at her, and her heart started beating fast. "I was hoping we could go for a drive." 

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