The Lesson

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We stepped inside the house to find Mommy standing in the living room with a salad bowl in her hands.  She was wearing a pink dress and a white apron that was stained in tomato sauce, her blonde hair pulled back into a french braid and her smiling face adorned with makeup.  I opened my mouth to tell her how beautiful she looked, but Daddy stepped forward and placed his hands on her cheeks.  "Why the hell are you dressed like June Cleaver?  You look stupid."

My heart sank as the smile vanished from her face.  She averted her gaze away from his and answered, "I'm sorry.  I just wanted to dress up for you since it's Valentine's Day."

Daddy frowned and placed his hand under her chin, forcing her to look at him.  "Darlin', if you wanted to impress me you should have cooked a dinner that was worth eating.  Your lasagna smells like a dead dog drenched in tomatoes."

Tears swelled in her eyes and she tore herself away from him.  She started to storm off into the kitchen until Daddy roughly grabbed her arm, causing the bowl to fall from her hands. "Don't walk away from me, bitch." He snarled, throwing her down to the floor. "Clean up this mess, and when you're done get me a beer."

He switched on the television and collapsed into his recliner. Mommy wiped the tears from her face as she picked up what remained of her salad. I wanted to help her clean the mess, but I knew Daddy would have a fit because he says that cleaning is a woman's job. So, I just stood there and watched until she returned to the kitchen, tossing the dirty salad into the trash.

She gave Daddy a bottle of beer before setting four places at the dining room table. The clock on the living room wall sounded off and within seconds, Violet came walking through the door.

Daddy leapt from the recliner and scooped her into his arms. "How was your day, princess?"

"It was great, Daddy!" She answered, her tone so disgustingly sweet that I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "We made cookies and drank strawberry punch and-" She paused and sniffed the air with a frown. "Eeeew, did mom cook another one of her gross lasagnas? It stinks!!"

Daddy threw his head back in cruel laughter, while Mommy looked down at the floor with a face full of shame. My blood boiled with anger and I walked off to my bedroom before I said something that would get me into trouble. It made me so mad when they treated Mommy that way, but I was on Daddy's good side today and I did not want to ruin it. The best thing I could do was keep my mouth shut and hope that they would lay off of her before I lost it.

I stayed in my room for about twenty minutes, then I was called back into the kitchen to wash my hands for dinner.  Daddy was still lounging in his recliner with Violet sitting in his lap.  A twinge of jealousy ran through me as I watched the two of them laughing and having a good time watching their show.  This was supposed to be my day to bond with Daddy, but as usual Violet was sucking up all his attention.  I sat down at the kitchen table and crossed my arms over my chest with a frown, while Mommy took the remote control and turned off the TV.

The smile on Daddy's face was replaced with a glare.  "Are you out of your fuckin' mind?  Turn the damn TV back on!"

I could tell Mommy was nervous at his tone, but she did not relent.  She stuck the remote into her apron and said, "You and Violet can watch your show after dinner.  I have been working on this meal for three hours and I want us to eat it together as a family."

Daddy gently pushed Violet from his lap and walked over to Mommy, his face turning red as his large frame towered over her small one.  "I don't care if you spent all day on it.  Give me the remote before I shove it down your throat."

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