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Victor leaned his hand against the shower wall with a sigh as he allowed the warm water to fall on to his chiseled body.  His day at work was a long one and he was more than ready to enjoy a peaceful evening of watching his favorite television shows.

He shut the water off and climbed out of the shower, wrapping a yellow towel around his waist after using it to dry himself.  He went into the kitchen and fixed himself a ham sandwich, then collapsed onto the sofa and switched the television on.  His moment of solitude was short lived, however, when he heard his children yelling at each other from outside.

"For God's sake..." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.  The front door soon flew open and both of them came inside with frowns on their faces.  "What the hell is wrong with you two?  Can't you go one day without tearing each other's heads off?"

"No."  Vincent answered with a shrug.

Victor shook his head and turned up the volume on the television.  He was hoping they would leave him alone, but Violet sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck with a pout.  "Can I go to the movies with Kyle?"  She asked sweetly, nuzzling his neck with her nose.  "I'll be back by midnight."

"Who the fuck is Kyle?"  Victor demanded, his eyes darting over to hers.  This was the fourth guy she had told him about this month, and he was beyond pissed that his daughter was turning into a slut.

"He's just a friend, Daddy."

"I thought you were dating Richard."

"Richard was such a bore!  He didn't make me happy like Kyle does."   She nuzzled his neck again and kissed him on the cheek.  "You want me to be happy, don't you, Daddy?"

"Yes, I do." Victor sighed, "But whoring yourself out to every guy on campus isn't what I had in mind."

"Daddy!"  Violet shrieked, standing from his lap and putting her hands on her hips.  "I'm not sleeping with Kyle or anything."

"Yet."  Vincent mumbled, smirking.

"Shut up!"  Violet growled, pinching his arm with a glare on her face.  She raised her fist in the air to hit him for good measure, but Victor grabbed her by the wrist before she had the chance.

"The answer is no, Violet."  He said, pulling her away from her brother.  "Now get up to your room."

"Ugh, fine."  She huffed before marching down the hall with her fists clenched by her sides, slamming her bedroom door with a soft growl.

Victor shook his head again and turned back to the television, glancing at his son from the corner of his eye as he sat in the recliner next to him.  There was a hint of smugness on the boy's face, probably because his sister was once again shunned for her actions. 

He was letting the positive attention get to his head, and that was exactly what Victor wanted. Not that he particularly enjoyed showering the boy with love, but there were twelve million good reasons to have him under his control. Millicent was a very wealthy woman when she passed away, and in her will she left twelve million dollars to her grandson.

The only catch was that he could not collect it until he turned eighteen years old, so Victor had two years left of pretending to care about his son. Once the will went into effect, he would dispose of the boy and be a millionaire for the rest of his life.

The two of them watched television for quite some time before Vincent went into his bedroom to do his homework.  Victor smirked and let himself a cigar, leaning back into his recliner and fantasizing about living on a private island.  His happy thoughts were halted when the phone in his pocket sounded off.

Tainted:  Origins of a PsychoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ