489 81 3

8:20 pm, thursday
phil: i'm so sorry i took a shower and then mom forced me to have breakfast and then data went out
phil: i miss u so much
phil: please don't be mad at me

4:24 pm, friday
new york
dan: i'm not mad dw
dan: i just ugh ew its gonna sound so weird but we haven't really been that far before and time differences suck

phil: ur the one who wanted to go to new york for uni lol

dan: are you blaming me? so what, i shouldn't take up opportunities because i want to be with you?

phil: i'm not blaming you i just
phil: you're right it just sucks and im mad, not at you just this situation

dan: i know
dan: i'm sorry

phil: it's not your fault

dan: break is in 6 months if that makes u happy?

phil: it does

dan: good, i'll be there soon :(

phil: okay :(

dan: i have to go :(

phil: noooooooooooo pls stay

dan: phiiiiiil

phil: daaaaaaan


phil: i wanted to skype u tonight :(

dan: i'll cancel plans brb

phil: omg are u sure

dan: yeah??? is that even a question wait
dan: skype u @ 9?

phil: please

dan: u better not be asleep

phil: ofc not im not a kid😤

dan: we'll see

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