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Zayn: He’s skating around the rink with ease, showing off while a hip hop song is blasting. You scoff and just continue your rounds, humming the tune to the song in your head. In a few seconds you hear the song stop in the middle and a slow song starts. Zayn swerves in front of you and asks, “May I have this dance?”

Harry: “If you couldn’t skate, why’d you say yes?” he asks you as you struggle to stand up in your skates. You grip onto his bicep and he slowly skates forward. Your legs are wobbly and you almost fall a dozen times before Harry tugs you onto the floor. He’s holding your hand the whole time you two are on the rink and you know you’ll see it in the papers tomorrow.

Niall: He slips for the fifth time in the past ten minutes and you laugh as you reach down to help him up. A few girls off to the side smile at him and take photos. “You’ll be all over the news tomorrow, love,” you say as he stands up. He kisses your nose, “Yeah, it’ll say: Irish in Distress.” He tried again and stayed on his feet for two laps before falling again. The next day he’s got bruises covering his arms and legs.

Louis: “Hey babe,” he shouts from across the cleared out skating rink. He’d asked the manager if he could have in all to himself – just the two of you. Of course with a little persuasion and a few signed valuables, the manager said yes. You roll your eyes as he starts to skate backwards. He’s doing pretty good until he slips up on a loose floorboard and falls flat on his bum. You rush over as quickly and carefully as you could to your boyfriend who is sprawled out on the hardwood floor. “Are you okay?!” you ask. He chuckles and says, “Sure, babe! I’ve got enough cushion back there.”

Liam: “Thank you,” he says to the attendant. He spent more time in the arcade than he did actually skating. He takes the glow sticks and makes you a necklace and a bracelet out of them, and puts two bracelets and a necklace on himself. He laughs and the DJ says over the system, “This is the last song we’ll be playing before we clear out of here. Oh, and it’s a couples song.” You can hear the smirk in the DJ’s voice as you see all the awkward teenage couples skate onto the floor. Liam offers you his hand and says, “One last time?” You nod your head and the two of you stay close as you sway back and forth on the rink.

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