Chapter Fourteen

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Annabelle's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling warm, to warm for it to be normal. Have the Leftens suddenly let me have heating in my room or something? No... that doesn't sound right, if I don't deserve hot water why would I deserve heating?

As I came too, I starting to take in more of my surroundings and panicked when I realised I wasn't in my room. Where was I?

"Go back to sleep Annabelle" a voice grumbled behind me and I froze for a second, but when my brain caught up with everything and I recognised the voice I relaxed instantly. I was with Jax and I was safe. I sighed in relief and turned over to come face to face with a still passed out Jax. He looked so tired as I noticed the bags under his eyes, to be honest I probably wasn't helping the situation with my nightmare and everything else. I mean had he even properly slept since he found me?

I sighed and stroked his cheek, feeling the stubble against my fingertips. I wonder when I was going to feel the tingles of electricity, or whatever he called them, that came with being mated to someone. I hoped soon because I really wanted to feel as close to Jax as he did to me.

Jax shifted in his sleep, muttering something about cotton candy and I couldn't help but giggle at his sleep talk. Who dreams about cotton candy? I smiled down at him, stroking his cheek one more time before getting up and walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. The least I could do was make breakfast for him after everything he has done and continues to do for me, after all he said I could use the kitchen whenever I wanted.

I padded bare foot along the tiled and wooden floors as I made my way into the stainless-steel kitchen where I quickly went about making him the works.

Forty five minutes later I was just plating the last of the food up and putting it onto the island in front of me when I heard my name being shouted in alarm from upstairs. I frowned as I took in the panicked tone, why was Jax yelling for me? Had I done something wrong?

I walked behind the island in the kitchen, hoping to put some distance between us, as I heard him running down the stairs, frantically yelling my name as he did so.

"Annabelle! Annabelle where are you?" He continued to shout as he ran into the kitchen, looking a little panicked. He seemed to instantly relax when he caught sight of me though.

"I thought you'd been taken or something when you weren't in bed..." he began to say but trailed off when he got a look at what was in from of him. "What's all this?" He asked suddenly changing the subject and gestured to all the food laid out on the counter.

I shrugged "a thank you" I muttered, feeling a little embarrassed at his wide-eyed reaction to the food.

"A thank you for what?" He asked genuinely confused. How could he not know what I was thanking him for.

"For...everything" I smiled as I looked up at him shyly.

A grin was plastered on his face and he ran his hand through his bed hair, god he looked adorable in the mornings. "I... umm... didn't know w-what you liked so I just made everything I could find the ingredients for" I explained as I looked down at the ridiculous amount of food I had ended up making for just him.

Jax looked over to me with a bright smile on his face, showing off his perfectly white teeth. He hesitated for only a second before he walked over to me, slower than he would normally walk though which I'm guessing was because of my ridged posture. He didn't want to move to fast just in case he scared me. When he rounded the kitchen island covered in food and stood in front of me he waited all of one second before pulling me into his open arms and towards his chest.

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