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After a long day of school, Jinyoung made his way to a café to grab something to drink before heading home.

He spent a few hours finishing up his homework and other projects at school's library. He would usually leave school work at the last minute but because of his recent conversation with 'Yeji', from a few days ago, he was willing to push himself a little further than usual today.

You could say he was feeling energetic.

The bells brightly chimed, announcing his arrival as he walked in. He walked up to the counter and approached the girl at the register.

"One hot chocolate please." The girl raised an eyebrow, but didn't bother to question him.  He wanted to see what the fuss was with drinking hot chocolate during times like this, he blames Yeji on this one.

"Name please?"

"—Yeji." He blurted out unintentionally. The girl raised both eyebrows now, tilting her head as she wrote the name he gave her, not questioning him once again. Cheeks tinted pink, he payed for his drink and awkwardly shuffled to the other side of the counter.

Damn I think about her way too much nowadays...

As he waiting for his drink, his eyes wandered around the room until he spotted his two friends at the back of the room. They were facing away from him so they didn't notice him. Jinyoung decided it would be a good opportunity to scare them. Might as well ruin their little date.

Once receiving his hot chocolate, he tiptoed his way to the two boys. He made sure not to make any noise, not bumping into the chairs and tables. Yet it was a little hard to do so when he had a scorching hot beverage in his hand.

He noticed them talking in a secretive way, as if they didn't want to be heard by anyone. Jinyoung was slightly curious and made his way closer to hear them. But he stopped dead in his tracks soon after.

"I'm actually kind of sad that Hyejin didn't tell us earlier that it was actually her. The other guys are going to freak when they find out Hyejin is actually Yeji." Jaehwan said.

Minhyun nodded, "Yeah, but I'm pretty upset Woojin didn't tell anyone. I was even more shocked that he knew in the first place."

"Well he does like her, so I understand from his point of view. He wanted to keep her a secret. Honestly if I was the first one to find her I would probably do the same thing, not gonna lie." Jaehwan smirked. "She's cute, I wouldn't want those monkeys all over her."

"Yea they are adorable together, I don't blame him from hiding her from us I guess..." The two continued talking, unaware of Jinyoung behind them, easedropping in on their conversation.

Confusion, anger, shock. Everything hit him like a truck.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't know what to think. Every second a new emotion seeped through his body, like someone slapping him in his face multiple times; a new emotion with every hit.

He left the café in a rush, the door chimes ringing violently on his way out causing a few people to turn heads. His feet took him down the street, not knowing or caring where they would lead him. Roughly bumping into people, making some drop their items from the impact. Yet he kept on walking, not bothering to turn around and apologize.

Everything rushed through his head, every memory, every moment, every second.

From the moment he met Hyejin to this exact moment now. Conversations replaying through his head, their late night chats, their fights, their teasing, their jokes, discovering she goes to his school, the way her aura changed in the groupchat soon after, to how she stopped talking there, to now.

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