➢fifty three.

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hey guys, so i wasn't initially going to post this chapter, but i wanted to add it anyways. why? idk why. so you could either take this as a grain of salt or as part of the story. idk if i made any sense in this chapter or not. so yeah i guess enjoy? lol :) ♡


"Pick up pick up..."

Jinyoung pressed his phone against his ear for the third time, but the only thing he could hear was silence, soon cutting to voicemail moments later. 

"Hey it's Hyejin! Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I'm probably doing homework, or I just don't want to talk to you. Haha just joking, anyways just leave me a message after—"

He hung up, abruptly standing up. His hands gripped onto his phone, hesitating to throw it down on the bed out of frustration. Jinyoung knew she was on the line with someone, and he had tried for over an hour and she still wasn't available. He sighed, bring his hands to cup his face, "Just calm down..."

After a few minutes, he sat back down on his bed, dialing her number and bringing his phone back up again. He hoped she would finally answer, he had flooded her with texts and voice messages in just hoping to hear her voice. And to his surprise, he heard the first ring.

Then the second ring, the third ring, the fourth—



"Oh it's you... sorry I
thought it was Seongwoo
I gotta go—"

"No wait! Please don't
hang up on me, please!
I just want to talk."

"I already saw what I
needed to see in the
group chat. And I will
say I'm disappointed in
the two of you."

"We were caught in the
moment okay, but please
I just wanted to tell you
I'm sorry for everything."

"Are you though? I just
don't understand why you tried
to sabotage our date, it just made
you look bad you know? How
could you do that not only to me,
but to your own friend?"

"I know I fucked up okay?
I was stupid and I was acting
childish, I regret everything
I did that night. I won't
do this ever again to you
or Woojin."

"What about in general? Not
just with Woojin, but with
everyone? You think I don't see
how jealous you can get even if
I just talk to another guy? I saw
the looks you gave Seongwoo
the other day just because he
sat beside me."

"Oh so you couldn't see how
touchy he was with you?"

"He just had his arm around
me, you're just over exaggerating.
I... I don't get it, what ever happened
to the guy I first met online?"

"He's still here! He's here fucking
waiting for you to realize that
I've been crazy about you for so
fucking long but instead you go off
with Woojin like I never existed!"

"I knew you existed I was
just fricking hurt that you were
sticking your tongue down
another girl's throat."

"First of all, we didn't kiss
for that long okay I pulled that
slimy bitch off of me before you
even noticed. And second of all if
you were so fucking hurt then why
didn't you slap the bitch when it
happened? Or I don't know...

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